How do I set up the 'Synchronise Options' from a button?
I have several sync lister layouts defined, but they do not seem to store their options in the layout.
I would like to create a button that opens a particular sync layout and then sets the options for the sync as appropiate to that particular layout. Currently a layout seems to be inheriting whatever options were used by the last sync operation.
I do not mind coding the options for each layout button, but I cannot see an example of how to do this.
I know this isn't quite what you asked for but since I already had this button made I'll post the button commands here in hopes it might give you a starting point. It jumps the current lister to a specific folder, and then opens the second folder in dual pane while at the same time turning on the utility panel in synchronize mode. Of course you would need to change the folders paths I used to the ones you want before the button would work. Also the last line just plays a little ding sound (it won't work for you because the sound path of my machine won't be the same as the sounds in yours).
Go "D:\test folder\source" DUALPATH="D:\test folder\destination"
Play FILE "D:\Mine\Sound Effects\ding.wav" QUIET
As far as I know you cannot explicitly set the synchronize options from a button yet.
where "ftp Logos" is a sync layout with the correct paths but this does not seem to work. (I can open the layout from the standard menus but not the button, so it must be my code).
I am surprised that you cannot set the options in an app based on file management, and criticised for flexibility to the point of confusion.
BTW. I like the new options settings methods, but it is still not fully intuitive, for me at least.
In struggling through this, it does stike me how few examples there are in the documentation. Huge complex lists of arguments and modifiers, but few actual examples. I compare this to an M$ vba help file for example.
Whinge over ... since at the end of it all I have kept Opus on my systems for two years now and happily upgraded to 9.