Synchronize toolbar button

I've searched the forum and help file, and I know that this has been touched on a little over the years, but, dimwitted me, I just can't seem to make the connection.

How do I make a toolbar button to start a compare and sync ?

Actually, I know how to make a button... I'm looking for the correct codes.

I want to create a menu and/or button that opens the sync panel with a predefined source and destination, and various other options all ready set.

When dealing with many pairs of folders (A>B, F>G, X>Z, etc.) I find myself having to setup the proper source and destination over and over prior to performing the operation.

I would like to automate this.

I'm versed in the copy command, as well as the Update All and Update Existing, but the Synchronization panel with Compare is the tool that fits the bill. (actually, it would be even better to not have to see the sync panel, but I don't want to ask for to much)


Using lister layouts is the best way to do that at the moment.

Set up a lister with the appropriate source and destination folders and the sync panel open, then use Settings > Lister Layouts > Save This Lister to save it. You can then recall it in various ways (the best will depend on how you want to use it).

The layout will restore the folders and turn on the sync panel, but will not remember the other settings in the sync panel. Those settings are only remembered globally at the moment, so if you need different criteria/modes for different pairs of folders, there isn't currently a good way to do it.

(It can be done, somewhat unofficially, by replacing /dopuslocaldata/State Data/sync.osd before opening the new panel, but that's not a particularly good solution. Adding the ability to automate the sync panel more is on our ideas list, although I don't know when it will happen.)

Thanks for the quick reply.
I eagerly await the day when the sync becomes programmable :wink: