
I have several Tabs that go directly to a directory. My questions - is there anyway to expand the folders in the tree when you click on a tab? When I click on a tab it shows a list of the folders on the right pane which is okay, but I would like it to also expand the list of folders in the tree on the right side. Is this possible? Right now it just highlights the folder in the tree rather than to expand it. Thank you for your help.

It sounds like Preferences / Folder Tree / Options / Expand selected branch is what you want.

"It sounds like Preferences / Folder Tree / Options / Expand selected branch is what you want."

Thank you for your help. I thought that would work also, but it doesn't for some reason.

One other thing I just noticed is it states I have Directory Opus 10, when I actually have the latest version of 11.10 x64. I always update when I get a message to do it from Directory Opus. This is the only software I use more than 100 times a day. Couldn't function well without it.

Click "User control panel" near the top-left of the page if you want to edit your user profile and change the Opus version that's shown on the right of your posts (or any of the other details).

Thank you for the profile update help. Any ideas on the Tab Issue?