Text aligment issues with bold format

Hi guys,

Have discovered some minor text alignment issues in 12.0.7, when using bold fonts. See screenshot:


Do you mean the alignment or the column widths/truncation?

If the alignment of the "24 bit" strings, it's natural that bold and non-bold strings won't be the same width and line up neatly.

If you mean the Modified column's width, what is it set to? Is it set to a fixed size or to auto-size?

(BTW, the version number is 12.0.7, not 12.07 which would be 12.7 aka 12.7.0, a version that won't be here until many months from now. I've been correcting this in your posts to avoid confusion in the future when those versions do exist, but please use the right number so I don't have to. :slight_smile:)

Hi Leo,

Sorry for messing up version numbers and thanks for fixing that.

I mostly mean the truncation because there is plenty of space in the column and you can't see all info. Agreed, that the center/left alignment in the 24 bit column is more a cosmetic thing :sunglasses: So, wouldn't bother me much if that stays as it is.

The "Date & Time (modified)" column is set to a fixed width of 122 pixels. I'm using the "Tahoma" font (size 9) as default font. (Default font from Windows XP)

Let me know if you need any other info.

Many thanks for looking into that.

Ah, and I've disabled all cleartype options as you've probably already noticed. Just in case this might affect the issue in any way.


Although it looks like there is space space on the left, the date column in your screenshot is not actually wide enough for the date and time in bold.

The date part can be wider than any of the dates (day names) which happen to be in your column in the screenshot, and the date part gets priority over the time part if there isn't enough width for both, since if something needs to be truncated the date is usually more important than the time.

Have a look at a folder with files older than a week and what's happening should become clear. (Or perhaps a folder with a file modified on "Donnerstag", if that day name is wider than your system's short date format. The date part of the column will be wide enough for any day name or a date.)

Hi Leo,

Many thanks for your explanation. I did not consider that day and time are "tab-aligned" in a way, but considering your info I understand now why this happens.

My suggestion would have been just to move the whole string to the left, but in that case, the time values wouldn't be line up any longer.

If I increase the width just by 3 pixels, everything will fit.

Sorry for taking your time with that, was fairly sure that there was something wrong in width calculation, but sometimes it turns out that things are different :slight_smile:

Thanks again for clarification.