The antivirus Bitdefender does not appear in Opus

In Windows Explorer (Windows 10, 64), by selecting any file with the mouse, pressing the right mouse button, I can analyze any file with the antivirus Bitdefender antivirus. With the Opus Directory this is not possible. How to fix this? Thanks

This is a deliberate choice by Bitdefender, there are lots of threads about it on the forum if you search. You'll need to contact them and ask them to allow their context menus to work in other processes.

Thanks for the answer. I will contact Bitdefender. I have had some difficulty navigating this forum as I am new here. If this problem is resolved, I will buy your program. Thanks again!

Yeah, I have Bitdefender and it's pretty annoying. It's the only software I have that wont play nice.

I can't explain this, but all of a sudden Bitdefender is now appearing in Directory Opus.

BD did an update, and I decided to turn on beta for the new 13.5 (so I just got the newest beta which I think is 13.4). All I know is when I right click a file, the 2 Bitdefender options ( BD Scan and BD Shred) are in the conext menu.
