The "col.method" in this script is always called, even if the script column is not added. Why?

Column.File_FileInfo.js.txt (874 Bytes)

You can try it.
Install the script above, restart DOpus, Then open script log.
Press F5 to fresh flle list.
You will see these output without adding the script column :

this is the script code:

function OnInit(data){ = "Column.File: FileInfo";
	data.desc = "Columns providing details for plain text files.";
	if (DOpus.Version.AtLeast("12.0.8")) data.url = "";
	data.copyright = "tbone";
	data.version = "1.3.3";
	data.default_enable = true;
	colPrefix = "FI: "

	var col = data.AddColumn(); = "Encoding";
	col.header = "Encoding";
	col.label = colPrefix + col.header;
	col.method = "Column_Encoding";
	col.justify = "right";
	col.type = "text";
	col.autogroup = true;

function Column_Encoding(data){
	DOpus.Output("Why call me???   -   Filepath:" +, false ,true)
	data.value = "111";

I found that: in DO v12, the script method function is not called if the column is not added.
but in Do v13, the function is always called..

I can't reproduce that here, fwiw.

Neither can I.

How to remove the invalid script columns?

Are you sure you don't have a tab where the column is displayed somewhere ? (I can't see for this very tab since the screenshot is cropped).

I sure I don't add the column.

It's strange that the items in File Collection in the tree are included in the evaluation scope by the script.

Have you set up a filter label that uses the column?

I found it.
In the path [/appdata\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\ConfigFiles] , Replace the two files foldercolors.oxc and colorgroups.oxc with this:
colorgroups (3.4 KB)

instal this script:
Column.File_FileInfo.js.txt (745 Bytes)

restart DOpus. Press F5, then you will see my ploblem...

I get it. The custom status icon cause this problem.
it is so strange...
what happens to the script?

I use a script----CuMediaExtenders.osp,and
I set label assignments like this:

The label "MExt-Clean" matches the value of "CuMediaExtenders/MExt_NeedsUpdate" column.
After I deleted the script "CuMediaExtenders.osp", it changed to match the lastest column in [/appdata\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\ConfigFiles\scriptcolumns.oxc]