I have a dream which returns me again to start a portable app (program) via Command button.
On a USB-Stick the resolve of the alias /homeroot of the command does not function since some versions anymore
/homeroot\Portable\PortableApps\Beyond Compare\BCompare.exe
This goes to: "X:\Portable\PortableApps\Beyond Compare\BCompare.exe"
Now that's one backslash to much!
Differently it behaves with the command Resolve via fsu as a code line like:
strCmd = fsu.Resolve("/homeroot\Portable\PortableApps\Beyond Compare") & "\BCompare.exe"
Okay, it was my mistake. The program to be started was not found anymore at the place.
In addition it was not either known to me that Windows reacts tolerantly when duplicated backslash's (also mixed) in the path are used! Thus OPUS works correctly and the two variants of an alias simply converts only into a local path and the call in this way also functions.
Variant 1: /homeroot
Variant 2: {alias|homeroot}.
But this message returns if the prog not placed there
(making not be made mad if two backslashs are used )