Thumbnail column erratic, replaced by double symbol columns

After restarting Dopus, the thumbnail column: replaced by something looking like an additional file symbol column:

Reverting to the thumbnail column requires closing the tab and doing an "undo close tab" on it. Then the thumbnail column re-apppears and replaces the two symbol columns.

Any idea what could cause this?

Regards David.P

If you resize the column so it's larger, do you see thumbnails? (It will show icons when very small, and I think the width may not always be restored properly, although I'm still looking into that.)

No thumbails, only icons when resizing that (alleged) thumbnail column:

And, hide symbols when thumbnail column is present, is active:

Very strange. The header is blank as well.

If you open up Folder Options, what's the name of that column?

Yes, and it's called thumbnail column:

Thanks. Seems like the right column, at least.

Is anything set for that column under Preferences / Display / Fields?

(Mine looks like this, FWIW:)

I don't see anything special there:

I'm out of ideas on things to check, but if you want to send a config backup to me ( + steps on exactly what to click to trigger the problem, I'll see if I can reproduce it in a test VM.

OK I'll do that

This issue is also healed by ANY folder navigation.

If I start Dopus, the thumbnail column is broken in all tabs (like described above), additionally there's icons in front of the file name.

Then, if I open a folder or go up one folder level, and then back, everything is normal again: thumbnail column is there and working (in the respective tab), and no icons in front of the file name anymore.

Regards David.P

Thanks for the config. With the help of that we now know how to reproduce the problem. (The default/custom format has to have the thumbnail column turned on, as well as the format saved in the layout which is then loaded.)

Thank you Leo. So does this mean that I can do something to fix this...?

If you make the thing I put in brackets false, then the problem won't happen.

i.e. Remove the thumbnail column from the Default/Custom format.

Thanks, will do that tomorrow.

Oops. Now which one is the "default/custom format" that you are referring to?

There's so many to choose from here, but I can't seem to identify a "default/custom format":

Preferences / Folders / Folder Formats:
Default Formats / Custom

I see. From which of the formats I do remove the thumbnail column there: default ("Standard") or custom ("Mein Ordnerformat" as I suppose), or both?

"Standard" looks like what "Custom" has been translated into there.

(The other one at the bottom is just a favourite format which Opus wouldn't use unless it was explicitly chosen, so it won't matter or need changing.)

Thanks, that worked!

Possibly this still needs a little fixing occasionally, although I can live with it for the time being, apart from the opening of new tabs without my beloved thumbnail column due to this workaround.

Cheers David.P

A proper fix is coming in the next update.