Tiny video folderthumbs


This is somewhat difficult to explain (also, my english is not very good...) so I added a screenshot.

Normally, all folderthumbnails (from image files and video files) within the foldericon should be the same size.
But suddenly and randomly, all the video-folderthumbnails have shrunk to a very small size. The image-folderthumbs however, remain their original size.
The only thing that seems to reverse this, is to completely restart my pc.

(My video thumbnails are generated by Icaros, and not inside DOpus, because they are generated much faster that way.)

Need help to keep all folderthumbnails the same size.

Thanks in advance!

Is this only when viewing folder thumbnails, or are you seeing small thumbnails for the video files themselves as well?

Thanks for replying.

This is only when viewing folder thumbnails. When I go inside each folder, all file-thumbnails (image, video, etc.) have the same normal size.

The strange thing is, that this 'shrinking' happens after a random period. When I first open DOpus (after a system reboot, for instance), all folder-thumbnails look normal.

This is what I've learnt so far:

  • It's not a third party thumbnail generator issue, because I'm experiencing the same problem on another (freshly installed) pc.
  • Toggling the 'movie' plugin settings in DOpus doesn't make a difference.
  • I found that I can trigger the problem by fiddling with the 'thumbnail size' slider/buttons in the toolbar:
  1. I Set the thumbnail size to 32px, open a directory containing videos, go back up to parent directory: suddenly the video -folderthumbs become microscopicly small in relation to all other folderthumbs.
  2. I set the thumbnail size to 128px: the video-folderthumbs stay microscopic, while the other (non-video) folderthumbs adapt normally (see attachment).
  3. Until I go into the directory and back up: now all folderthumbs are normal again.
    So at least I know how to reverse the problem without a full system reboot :wink:.

Is any of this making sense? If not, maybe I could make a screencapture video?