Toggle Select

I have a menu button with a bunch of select commands. The button itself performs Select All on the active pane. I would like to have the button actually perform a toggle select operation in which it either selects all or selects none. Is this possible?

Toggling directly isn´t possible (not 100% sure), but why don´t you use a button with LMB SELECT ALL & RMB SELECT NONE?
You could also use MMB with SELECT INVERT

Thanks for the reply. I was using a 3-button configuration exactly as you stated, but am experimenting with various configurations to optimize toolbar layout and space utilization. I can go back to it, just prefer not to.

Honestly, having the ability to combine a 3-button operation with a menu would solve this...


Like you, I also try to optimise layout and space. This is not exactly what you are asking for but you could define a shift or ctrl modifier to Select NONE on the same button. I use this technique a lot.

Select ALL
Select NONE

Regards, AB

Nifty! Just for kicks, I expanded it as follows:

Select ALL
Select NONE

Thanks Aussie!