Toolbar configuration - Opus 11.19 x64

Hi there.
Manage to show the Applications Toolbar (right click -> Customize -> Click Applications' checkbox.
I have MS Office installed and working fine.
When I click on the Excel (or any other) Warning shows up stating can't find the path to the program.
So trying to get into the configuration of them following help instructions.
Can't have it done: Alt Click not working, Right Click on any button of the bar not working, Click at the <- Edit as Required Not working.
Any help on this?

Also would like to add personalized buttons to open certain applications.

Note: Calc, Notepad and My Documents working fine. But in any case I would like to personalize the Toolbar.


There are a number of ways to enter Customize mode - the most common are:

  • Select Customize Toolbars from the Settings menu in a Lister
  • Right-click on an empty area on a toolbar and choose Customize from the context menu
  • Click on the window icon (the top-left icon in the title bar) in a Lister and choose Customize from the menu. This is a handy thing to remember as it always lets you get to Customize even if you have turned off all your toolbars or accidentally deleted the Customize command from your menu.
  • If the appropriate options are turned on in the Windows Integration Preferences page, you can access Customize mode from the Windows control panel or by right-clicking an empty area of the desktop!Documents/customize.htm

Hi Jon and thanks for your prompt response.
But I know how to get into the Preferences page as well as how to get in the Customization area.
My question is how to edit / configure the Application toolbar in order to make it work with the apps I would like to put there.

Never mind, I found what was missing:
Preferences -> Toolbars -> Options : CKECKBOX ALT+CLICK TO EDIT TOOLBAR BUTTONS...
That did the trick.
Thank you.