I have a toolbar for CD commands but no commands work (CD Info, Burn CD, Rip, Open Tray, Close Tray, etc). In settings>preferences>Misc I have enabled use 'Windows Vista CD system' as the manual instructs.However, If I right click on CD Info on the tool bar, I get a window that says "The system can not find the path specified". None of the command buttons respond. I have no trouble w/ CD's when using Windows Explorer.
The toolbar you're trying to use is specifically for Nero. If you don't have that installed then the toolbar won't work, also you will need to edit each button in the toolbar to change the path in each command to your DVD/CD drive.
Thanks, Steve. I have an older version of Nero that's not installed. I'll give that a try (might have to get an updated version) and edit the buttons. Appreicate the help. PC
Paul, there's a nice simple toolbar for imageburn here: [ImgBurn Toolbar). It either opens the main program or (more usefully) will burn selected folders and files. It's a very good program and free. I've noticed from comments that quite a few people on the forum use it.
Be careful to do just that, match the buttons to the version.
When I retrieved the Nero toolbar it was already out of date. I had to work on it to get the thing to work. No complaint, at least it was something to start with.
It is a while since I did it, indeed, I need to update to the latest Nero which I foolishly bought, but I seem to remember that the toolbar lacks much documentation. You have to guess which bits to change to simplify the adaptation process.
Don't go too mad to update to newer versions of Nero. They do not a lot when it comes to new features. Just a bunch of cosmetics and complications that do little to enhance what you can do.
In case it helps, there are also variants of the toolbar for a couple of other versions of Nero here which might save some time if they match the version you're using: