TortoiseGit's context menu appears twice in DOpus, but only once in Explorer

I've installed the TortoiseGit Windows Shell extension on my Win 11 Version 21H2 machine. TortoiseGit adds a right-click context menu to both DOpus and Windows Explorer.

Disturbingly, Directory Opus does not only show the correct context menu entry upon right-click...

...but another second context menu entry with no submenus.

Windows Explorer otoh behaves as expected and shows just the one context menu the user needs to operate TortoiseGit.

How can I persuade DOpus to omit showing he second stray menu entry?

Cheers and thanks for your help! --Robert

I've confirmed that with Opus 12.28.3.

We have a long-term development branch where the problem doesn't happen, but haven't worked out where the difference is yet. That means it should be fixed in the future in any case, but if we can work out where the difference is we should be able to fix it sooner.

We've tracked this down and a fix for the extra menu appearing will be in 12.29.

Thanks, I appreciate your very satisfying handling of my report tremendously!

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