Treeview "This PC" disappears when entering network share

At [Settings, Preferences, Folder Tree, Contents] I have selected "Start folder tree at: This PC"

In the tree view "This PC" now shows up.
When I go to a network share (I manually enter \\ in the File Display Toolbar):

  • The "This PC" item in the tree disappears,
  • A "Network" item appears in the tree folder
  • The File Collections view appears in the folder (though the share is selected in the tree)


  • I can't go back to "This PC" via a button in the tree
  • I can't go to "Network" when I'm on a local drive.

Running DO 12.21 x64 on Win 10

If you want to be able to do that (via the tree) then you should leave Start folder tree at... set to the normal Desktop.

(That will solve the other issue as well.)

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Starting at "This PC" worked through version 12.21.2. Version 12.21.3 started this odd behavior. Why is it now necessary to start the tree at Desktop?

Are you certain of that? I don't think the way it works has changed recently, and 12.21.3 didn't change anything that should affect how the tree works. Network has always been outside of This PC in the tree.

If you install 12.21 again, do you see different behaviour to 12.21.3/4?

I am absolutely positive. I rely on Opus to sync data files on networked computers with my base PC using the dual tree sync function. I have always started trees at "This PC." Something changed in 12.21.3 that broke this. I reinstall 12.21 or 12.21.2 to restore this functionality (once I was sure 12.21.2 worked, I deleted 12.21.1 installer.) I have to start at Desktop to make 12.21.3/12.21.4 behave. Thanks for your help with this.

The way it works has not changed.

Unless you were in or had just been in another folder which forced the tree to show the whole Desktop level, you would never have seen Network in the tree with it set to start at This PC. Network is under the Desktop branch.

12.21 + Start at Desktop:

12.21 + Start at This PC (hides the Network folder):

12.21.4 + Start at Desktop (same result as 12.21):

12.21.4 + Start at This PC (same result as 12.21):

If you saw the Network folder in the tree before, with the tree set to start at This PC, then you must have gone to a network path, the Recycle Bin, or one of the other paths under Desktop but outside This PC. Going to one of those would force the Desktop branch to appear temporarily in the tree.

The same will happen in 12.21 and 12.21.3/4.

OK, I was not clear about the tree. I DO NOT see the Network folder in the tree. I see the mapped network drives with the assigned drive letter. The start up folder is a folder on a local drive. I start OPUS in Single mode and switch, via tab, to Dual mode to do sync. The tree structure is duplicated in the second pane. I mean no disrespect, but something changed in 12.21.3. I have attached captures using 12.21.2.

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This is what happens with 12.21.3 & 12.21.4 ... I click on the T drive in the lower pane and the tree changes to the attached image. Although I did not do it in this capture, if I click on a mapped network drive in the upper tree, it will transform into the same as the lower. Something changed to cause this behavior.

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I think I see what you mean now. That's different to what I was trying to reproduce.

We'll see if we can get the same thing to happen and investigate further.

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Thank you very much.

We're reproduced that problem and have a fix coming in the next beta.

Sorry for not understanding what was happening at first, and many thanks for the extra details, as well as raising it in the first place!


Thank you so much Leo. You guys are the best!


I am not OP, but this is happening to me again after a long period of it being fixed. I am on 12.25. Any chance this regressed in a recent build?

It shouldn't have changed recently. Are you sure you haven't changed the Folder Tree "Start In" setting, or used the "Root Tree Here" function to change where the tree wants to start from?

You know what, I may have changed the "Start In" setting a while ago, to "This PC".

What is the "root tree here" setting?

Change it back to Desktop. Does it work the way you expect then?

Yes, it does. Thank you for the help!

I'd prefer "This PC" to be at the top to reduce the layers i have to go to get to the folders i want and therefore reduce the horizontal spacing required by the tree, but obvioulsy that ranks way lower than the stability of it not nuking the whole tree. Seems pretty odd that it does that, but oh well.

Even better would be if favorites could have their subfolders expand in the tree...

Thanks again.

Network is not under This PC. So if you set the tree to start at This PC, then go to Network, the tree can either stop showing your current location or change where it starts from so that Network becomes visible.