Trouble with DOpus.Notify

Hi. I'm a long-time user of Directory Opus, am getting into scripting finally.

I want to have a button click trigger some actions, and then show a short notification after the process is complete. I've got an onClick function set up, and can get DOpus.Output working as expected. But DOpus.Notify doesn't do anything.

"Add icon to taskbar notification area" is checkmarked in Preferences. Windows Taskbar preferences allows Directory Opus' icon to be always visible.

I'm running Directory Opus 13.2 Pro.

Is DOpus.Notify not working currently?


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Works fine here.

DOpus.Notify('title', 'message');

Figured it out. I had "Notifications" turned off in "System / Notifications" in Windows Settings.

Turned that on and it works like a charm.

Should've checked that first. Kind of dimwitted of me.

Leaving this here in case it helps someone else.

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