This is not a Rename Preset; it is a Script Add-In which adds a new command that can be used to rename files (e.g. by using the command in a toolbar button or hotkey).
Since it involves renaming files, it's still in the Rename Presets area to help people find it when looking for ways to rename things.
This script will rename selected files to the XBMC tv episodes format
e.g. Showname.SxxExx.Ext
The script takes the show name from the second parent folder, and the season number from the parent folder.
So all selected files below ...\Game of Thrones\season 3 will be renamed to:
Game of Thrones.S03Exx.ext where xx is the episode number and ext is the file extension
Episode number increment starting from 1 from the first file selected.
At first I had a button script with a dialog asking for the season number, so when I converted it to vbscript I just changed it all to a way Dopus can understand it.
Now that you point it out, I should not have missed it.