Two Version 13 Questions

Actually, in the 5 minutes since I read your last reply I did a Google search for FileBox Extender alternatives and found Direct Folders and Quick Access Popup. I'm going to give both a try. Thank you again for your great support. Very much appreciated

Highly recommend Quick Access Popup

Just tried both Direct Folders and Quick Access Popup. QAP was a little more than I need and setup / configuration is a bit dense. DF looks good - just need to figure out how to get it to open dopus when I click on a folder.

QAP's author is on the forum and probably welcomes any feedback. Have a look here:

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Just an update re the two FileBox Extender replacements (please keep in mind I only care about using this for open/save dialogues - the Favorites feature in dopus is all I need within the app).

Direct Folders: Although I have set the path to dopus set in "custom", when I click on a folder in DF at open / save, it opens in File Explorer - it does not switch to dopus.

Quick Acces Popup - couldn't configure it to open in open / save at all. I use a two button mouse and oddly enough there doesn't seem to be an option to use anything but middle button. And again, for my needs the app is probably overkill anyway.

I've reached out to DF support and am waiting for a response.

Here's another one, I'm using Listary.
GitHub - gepruts/QuickSwitch: Uses opened file manager folders in File dialogs

Thanks. Just tried Quick Switch - a bit limited for what I want, but I appreciate the recommendation. And if I understand Listary, it's more of an alternative to Favorites than an open / save option, correct?

You can use the shortcut key (in my case Ctrl+G) to switch the path of the open / save dialog to the recently browsed path, clicking the Opus lister and then clicking the Open / Save dialog will also switch the path.

If you have the basics of AutoHotkey, you can play with it.
[AutoHotkey] ImageButtons, File open or save dialog path switcher

Thanks again. I've been using AutoHotkey for years, but I think Direct Folders is probably the closest app so far for my purposes. I'd prefer if I could get it to open dopus, but worst case it does pretty much the same thing FileBox Extender did.

It is so regretable that DO v.13 is in conflict with FileBox Extedner. They worked so well together in v.12!
I tried Direct Folders, but similarly to @Allan I can't make it open DO when a folder is clicked. Are the DO developers not thinking about a solution of their own to offer a similar File Open/Save boxes functionality as FileBOx extender or Direct Folders? It could be a separate small utility of part of DS 13.x.

I use "Jump to folder". At least helpful if you need no favorites etc., but want to jump immediately to a certain location/file.