I would like to raise a long standing "small" issue that nevertheless annoys me. Please see the attached screenshots of the right click context menu (on a text file) in Explorer and Directory Opus. You will see that Explorer renders the round UltraEdit icon perfectly but that Directory Opus does not (makes a more squashed square like icon). Strangely if I open the SendTo sub-folder from within the Directory Opus context menu the icon is ok in this section!
This happens to all the application menu icons that come from the Explorer context menu when display in Directory Opus.
I have tried all the menu display options available to no avail. In case it is relevant I use a 4k monitor resolution set to 150% scaling.
That looks like UltraEdit is drawing its own icon for the main menu entry. You used to have to do that back in the Win9x days but haven't needed to in a very long time.
Looks like its also miscalculating the system icon size, as the icon in Send To (which isn't drawn by UltraEdit) is 24x24, which is the correct size for 150% scaling. The icon on the main menu item is clipped to 24x24, which cuts off part of the circle, showing UltraEdit was trying to draw something larger than that.
So I think this issue is on the UltraEdit side. It's drawing the icon itself when it doesn't need to, and it's drawing it too large.
I tried with UltraEdit here but got a completely different style of icon, at least from the current version of it:
Thanks for the quick reply! I am using the latest x64 version of UltraEdit (UltraEdit_x64_v30_1_0_19) and x64 Directory Opus.
Just can’t understand why it displays perfectly in Windows Explorer context menu but not in the same context menu within Directory Opus. Was your image from within Directory Opus?
The application icon has been changed to the one you show but it can be reset to the previous icon (the one I use), both give me a distorted image in Directory Opus.
Please don't kill dopus.exe, unless your aim is to corrupt your configuration. Use File > Exit Directory Opus to shut it down.
Overriding the DPI scaling option is the same as running Opus at 100% scaling, which explains why the results are the same with that and 100%.
It's interesting that things look correct at 200%. Suggests the icon size is being miscalculated at 150%; maybe it's being rounded up instead of rounded down. (Although it shouldn't need rounding at all, thinking about it, so it's still a bit strange.)
Do you see this with menu items from any other software, or just UltraEdit? If it's not just UltraEdit, it may be something for us to investigate.
Have you tried turning off the Office menu option? That affects how the menu is rendered, so it could be involved.
I have tried turning off the Office menu option and this makes no difference. I don't have many other context menu items, the only other one I see is from MediaInfo and it is an x32 application and it seems to display ok but then it is a smaller icon anyhow, the "run as administrator" icon also seems ok.
When I say "kill" dopus.exe I close the lister first and than use the task manager to stop dopus.exe only if I change screen DPI settings for these tests, because strangely, (and this is a clue in my view), if I set the screen to 100 or 200 percent and then kill and restart Opus/open a lister it displays fine, if I then just close the lister, then change the screen to 150 percent (without killing dopus.exe first) and then open a lister Opus displays the icon perfectly. Only when I restart the machine or close the lister and then kill dopus.exe and restart Opus does the distortion re-appear (at a setting of 150%).
Definitely weird. All is fine with all icons using the windows explorer context menu.
Another "clue", I have just tried 125%, 225%, 250%, and 300% and can confirm that the context menu icon only displays correctly at 100%, 200% and 300% (i.e. round multipliers). At all other percentages, the icon is wrongly sized. Windows Explorer handles it fine at all the screen percentage settings tested.
Between each change I restarted the machine rather than use the task manager to stop dopus.exe (as you mentioned that is safer).