Unable to check for Updates

I cannot manually or automatically check for updates. I get this dialog. What is the problem please?

error:140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET+SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol


Do you have a direct connection to the internet or are there firewalls or VPNs or similar in between?

Hi Leo, there is the Windows 11 firewall, then a pfsense instance including PF blockerng.
I did disable them bit that didn't resolve the issue.
No VPN installed.

Make sure the proxy is turned off in Preferences / Internet / Proxy.

The error message indicates an unexpected response from the server when making the connection, which may mean something is proxying the connection and breaking it. Another possibility is a regional issue, but we've not had any similar reports so far.

As well as Firewalls, VPNs and explicit proxies, antivirus is another thing that sometimes proxies all HTTP and sometimes HTTPS traffic as well. Checking the antivirus settings is also worth a try.

Hi Leo,
Thanks for the reply.
There no proxies on the router. Interestingly v11.19 that is installed on an another win11 machine behind the same router can get notice of and a list of updates. And v13.11 on the laptop works is receieving notice of updates.
I presume this means the problem is my desktop. I disabled Malawarebytes but that didn't help.
Any thoughts please?

Something on the desktop must be blocking Opus, unless is has a proxy configured in Preferences which the other machines don’t.

It’ll be something outside of Opus doing it. Don’t forget Defender and things like the Hosts file.

Hi Leo, thanks for the feedback. I narrowed it down to a DNS issue, though I am not sure what the real issue was. I performed a few resets and a reboot and now all good.

Thanks for your help.

Happy New Year.