Unable to Install Certificate Silently

After Installing DOPUS, I'm Trying to Install Certificate Silently To Create A Silent Installation
But Certificate Is Not Getting Installed.
I tried Below Command :
"C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\dopus.exe" /cert "C:\Users\Admin\Documents\cert.txt" /regcode AAAA-BBBB-CCCC-DDDD /norun

cert.txt File Contains :

Thank you For Help

Did you change the regcode in the command line to match the one you're installing?

Yes I Changed The Regcode in Command Line.
The Problem was that i missed. This Note :sweat_smile:

Note: This command only works if dopus.exe is not already running. If the command causes an Opus window to open instead, check that dopus.exe isn't already running in the background (e.g. from previous testing of your install script) and exit it if it is.

After Closing | Killing dopus.exe Everything Works Fine :grinning: