Unable to resolve host name

I have two computers registered for DO
License Manager works on one of my computers
On the other computer when I attempt to go to License Manager I get the following message
"Unable to Resolve Host Name"

Just opening the Licence Manager doesn't require internet access so this is a bit strange. Could you please post a screenshot showing the message you get?

I can't do this now.
It comes up above the text box when I click "License Manager" in Help
No other entries are shown in the text box

Are you sure it was the Licence Manager and not the Update Checker?

Can you access gpsoft.com.au in a web browser on the affected machine?

My error. It is the "Check for Program Updates"

Yes. I connected via MS Edge

Does that machine have direct access to the internet, or does it access things via a web proxy?

If it is direct, it's possible that firewall/antivirus is blocking the connection, perhaps.

You can always download the same update installers via our website in a browser: https://www.gpsoft.com.au/DScripts/download.asp

I will turn off Norton Software and try again.
If that doesn't work I will use the link you provided.
I will let you know tomorrow.

Thanks for your assistance.

Jim Sheehan

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