Unable to send files to the Recycle Bin

I have an eSATA drive connected to my computer as the V:\ drive.

Whenever I try to delete anything from the V:\ drive through Opus I get the message "Really delete the file/folder" and the file does not go to the Recycle Bin (it gets permanently deleted).

If I delete a file on the V:\ drive using Windows Explorer, it does go to the Recycle Bin.

When I use Opus to delete anything from other drives, the Recycle Bin is used correctly.

Any suggestions on how to fix this?


Does that happen even with small files?

Yep, just tried it with a zero byte empty document and it still happens. It also happens with empty folders.

Is that drive mounted as a removable drive?

We currently only use the recycle bin on local fixed drives, not on removables. (Windows itself used to be that way, at least; maybe it has changed. We can look into that if it ends up explaining the difference.)

You can use the Computer folder to see if the drive is considered removable (like J: in my screenshot below) or fixed (like all the other drives):

It's not mounted as a removable drive. Just FYI, it's connected through a port multiplier and the three other drives on the same connection work correctly.

I have just been experimenting with diskmgmt.msc and I can get the Recycle Bin to work by changing the drive letter. However, if I assign any of my hard drives (not just the original drive) to V:\ then the Recycle Bin stops working for that drive.

Is there an Opus setting for disabling the Recycle Bin on a specific drive letter?

(Drive labels are blurred as I use the drive serial number)

If you right-click the Recycle Bin and choose Properties, is the Recycle Bin actually enabled for that drive letter?

It is enabled for the V:\ drive, and deleting through Windows Explorer does send files to the Recycle Bin. Only Opus doesn't...

Anything in the registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\BitBucket ?

Yep - there was a NukeOnDelete value set for the V:\ drive. Removing that has fixed the problem with Opus.

Thank you for all your help.

Great, that should be safe to delete, and I think must've been leftover from a previous version of Windows as Windows 7 stores the data somewhere slightly different.

We'll look at making Opus look for the data in the same place that Windows 7 does, when on Windows 7, as it should obviously respect what you see in the Properties dialog, but doesn't always at the moment.

Thanks for confirming it was that!