Unlimited context menus "compatibility" via AutoHotkey?

If the following is compatible with OP it may offer some benefit to thread: ShellToys

I’ve included a script from “AutoHotkey by Savage & Directory” autohotkey.com/forum/topic71 ... light=opus
It displays a menu of your favorite folders. Upon selecting a favorite, the script will instantly switch to that folder within the active window.

I really like this script because:
-- It’s free.
-- It’s easy to edit via notepad.
-- It’s cross-platform compatible via open/save dialogs and explorer type windows.
-- I can create as many custom context menus as I need, each definable per application window and hotkeys.

However, I’ve tried to get it working with OP using this command line but it opens a new lister to the specified address instead of switching the current lister to the specified address: "Run, C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\dopus.exe %f_path%"

In this instance or any other external script:
-- Is it possible to change the current Lister to a specified address without opening a new lister?

I hope this method is compatible with OP, because, for me, it adds an extra layer of context menu functionality; unless you know of a quicker and better way to have an unlimited number of context menus specific to a hotkey and cross-platform functional and easily editable via notepad.

Any helpful ideas appreciated!

Thank you

; Easy Access to Favorite Folders -- by Savage
; autohotkey.com
; When you click the middle mouse button while certain types of
; windows are active, this script displays a menu of your favorite
; folders. Upon selecting a favorite, the script will instantly
; switch to that folder within the active window. The following
; window types are supported: 1) Standard file-open or file-save
; dialogs; 2) Explorer windows; 3) Console (command prompt) windows.
; The menu can also be optionally shown for unsupported window
; types, in which case the chosen favorite will be opened as a new
; Explorer window.

; Note: In Windows Explorer, if "View > Toolbars > Address Bar" is
; not enabled, the menu will not be shown if the hotkey chosen below
; has a tilde. If it does have a tilde, the menu will be shown
; but the favorite will be opened in a new Explorer window rather
; than switching the active Explorer window to that folder.

; If your mouse has more than 3 buttons, you could try using
; XButton1 (the 4th) or XButton2 (the 5th) instead of MButton.
; You could also use a modified mouse button (such as ^MButton) or
; a keyboard hotkey. In the case of MButton, the tilde (~) prefix
; is used so that MButton's normal functionality is not lost when
; you click in other window types, such as a browser. The presence
; of a tilde tells the script to avoid showing the menu for
; unsupported window types. In other words, if there is no tilde,
; the hotkey will always display the menu; and upon selecting a
; favorite while an unsupported window type is active, a new
; Explorer window will be opened to display the contents of that
; folder.
f_Hotkey = #x

; Update the special commented section below to list your favorite
; folders. Specify the name of the menu item first, followed by a
; semicolon, followed by the name of the actual path of the favorite.
; Use a blank line to create a separator line.

ITEMS IN FAVORITES MENU <-- Do not change this string.
Desktop ; %A_Desktop%
Favorites ; %A_Desktop%..\Favorites
My Documents ; "D:\My Docs"
Program Files; "C:\Program Files"

; Do not make changes below this point unless you want to change
; the basic functionality of the script.

#SingleInstance ; Needed since the hotkey is dynamically created.

Hotkey, %f_Hotkey%, f_DisplayMenu
StringLeft, f_HotkeyFirstChar, f_Hotkey, 1
if f_HotkeyFirstChar = ~ ; Show menu only for certain window types.
f_AlwaysShowMenu = n
f_AlwaysShowMenu = y

; Used to reliably determine whether script is compiled:
SplitPath, A_ScriptName,,, f_FileExt
if f_FileExt = Exe ; Read the menu items from an external file.
f_FavoritesFile = %A_ScriptDir%\Favorites.ini
else ; Read the menu items directly from this script file.
f_FavoritesFile = %A_ScriptFullPath%

;----Read the configuration file.
f_AtStartingPos = n
f_MenuItemCount = 0
Loop, Read, %f_FavoritesFile%
if f_FileExt <> Exe
; Since the menu items are being read directly from this
; script, skip over all lines until the starting line is
; arrived at.
if f_AtStartingPos = n
f_AtStartingPos = y
continue ; Start a new loop iteration.
; Otherwise, the closing comment symbol marks the end of the list.
if A_LoopReadLine = */
break ; terminate the loop
; Menu separator lines must also be counted to be compatible
; with A_ThisMenuItemPos:
if A_LoopReadLine = ; Blank indicates a separator line.
Menu, Favorites, Add
StringSplit, f_line, A_LoopReadLine, `;
f_line1 = %f_line1% ; Trim leading and trailing spaces.
f_line2 = %f_line2% ; Trim leading and trailing spaces.
; Resolve any references to variables within either field, and
; create a new array element containing the path of this favorite:
Transform, f_path%f_MenuItemCount%, deref, %f_line2%
Transform, f_line1, deref, %f_line1%
Menu, Favorites, Add, %f_line1%, f_OpenFavorite
return ;----End of auto-execute section.

;----Open the selected favorite
; Fetch the array element that corresponds to the selected menu item:
StringTrimLeft, f_path, f_path%A_ThisMenuItemPos%, 0
if f_path =
if f_class = #32770 ; It's a dialog.
if f_Edit1Pos <> ; And it has an Edit1 control.
; Activate the window so that if the user is middle-clicking
; outside the dialog, subsequent clicks will also work:
WinActivate ahk_id %f_window_id%
; Retrieve any filename that might already be in the field so
; that it can be restored after the switch to the new folder:
ControlGetText, f_text, Edit1, ahk_id %f_window_id%
ControlSetText, Edit1, %f_path%, ahk_id %f_window_id%
ControlSend, Edit1, {Enter}, ahk_id %f_window_id%
Sleep, 100 ; It needs extra time on some dialogs or in some cases.
ControlSetText, Edit1, %f_text%, ahk_id %f_window_id%
; else fall through to the bottom of the subroutine to take standard action.
else if f_class in ExploreWClass,CabinetWClass ;In Explorer, switch folders.
if f_Edit1Pos <> ; And it has an Edit1 control.
ControlSetText, Edit1, %f_path%, ahk_id %f_window_id%
; Tekl reported the following: "If I want to change to Folder L:\folder
; then the addressbar shows L:\folder.com. To solve this,
; I added a {right} before {Enter}":
ControlSend, Edit1, {Right}{Enter}, ahk_id %f_window_id%
; else fall through to the bottom of the subroutine to take standard action.
else if f_class = ConsoleWindowClass ; In a console window, CD to that directory
WinActivate, ahk_id %f_window_id% ; Because sometimes the mclick deactivates it.
SetKeyDelay, 0 ; This will be in effect only for the duration of this thread.
IfInString, f_path, : ; It contains a drive letter
StringLeft, f_path_drive, f_path, 1
Send %f_path_drive%:{enter}
Send, cd %f_path%{Enter}
; Since the above didn't return, one of the following is true:
; 1) It's an unsupported window type but f_AlwaysShowMenu is y (yes).
; 2) It's a supported type but it lacks an Edit1 control to facilitate the custom
; action, so instead do the default action below.
Run, C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\dopus.exe %f_path% ; Might work on more systems without double quotes.

;----Display the menu
; These first few variables are set here and used by f_OpenFavorite:
WinGet, f_window_id, ID, A
WinGetClass, f_class, ahk_id %f_window_id%
if f_class in #32770,ExploreWClass,CabinetWClass ; Dialog or Explorer.
ControlGetPos, f_Edit1Pos,,,, Edit1, ahk_id %f_window_id%
if f_AlwaysShowMenu = n ; The menu should be shown only selectively.
if f_class in #32770,ExploreWClass,CabinetWClass ; Dialog or Explorer.
if f_Edit1Pos = ; The control doesn't exist, so don't display the menu
else if f_class <> ConsoleWindowClass
return ; Since it's some other window type, don't display menu.
; Otherwise, the menu should be presented for this type of window:
Menu, Favorites, show

You can use dopusrt.exe to change the current window's path. For example:

"C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\dopusrt.exe" /cmd Go "C:\Program Files"

There's a small caveat: It will change the current Source window, which isn't necessarily the active window.

When the next Opus update comes out you'll be able to use /acmd instead of /cmd to make sure the command goes to the (most recently) active window regardless of its status.

Using /cmd should work well enough in the meantime, though. Usually the Source and active windows are the same.

Working great Leo...
I just middle click over the lister I want to change
For hotkeys (I first click in a lister to set as active)
Thank you!

@ kgibbs
Thank you for sharing this script!

When I use "C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\dopusrt.exe" /cmd Go "C:\Program Files", DOpus keeps opening a new lister and ends in the DOpus directory and dopusrt.exe is highlighted.
So the /cmd part is not executed.

Can you help me please?

[quote="Ennovy"]When I use "C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\dopusrt.exe" /cmd Go "C:\Program Files", DOpus keeps opening a new lister and ends in the DOpus directory and dopusrt.exe is highlighted.
So the /cmd part is not executed.[/quote]

When you use it where/how/within what?

I changed the script, section ITEMS IN FAVORITES MENU
One of my favorite folders is "C:\Program Files" so the line in the script is: "C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\dopusrt.exe" /cmd Go "C:\Program Files"
I run the script.
I activate the menu with a hotkey (), for instance on my desktop or in DOpus.
I choose the folder "Program Files", DOpus opens a new lister and ends in the DOpus directory and dopusrt.exe is highlighted

It sounds like the script is telling Opus to open "C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\dopusrt.exe" rather than "C:\Program Files".

i.e. There is something wrong with the script or how you've modified or configured the script.

The script is large and in a language that I don't know so I can't help much beyond that.

Try running the same command from a standard Command Prompt to confirm that it does the right thing outside of the script. If it does then you know that something is probably going wrong in the script, not with the command or Opus itself.

(OTOH, if it still goes wrong via the Command Prompt, then I'll look into that, but I can't see how it could and it works okay for me.)

[quote="Ennovy"]When I use "C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\dopusrt.exe" /cmd Go "C:\Program Files", DOpus keeps opening a new lister and ends in the DOpus directory and dopusrt.exe is highlighted.
So the /cmd part is not executed.[/quote]

I've updated the following script with the code Leo provided:
-- Note: use a blank line to create a separator line.
-- Note: Don't use quotes around path name

If you use a freeware editor like PSPad pspad.com/en/
Goto line 172: here you can add additional code to this script down to the next return command.

Added Tip:
One of the biggest reasons I like using AutoHotkey is it makes use of all the extra buttons on an advanced gaming type mouse without needing any mouse drivers installed. I use a 12 button mouse and every key is mapped via (Xbutton1 – xbutton12) commands, supported directly from a script.

For example:
XButton1::Send, {ALTDOWN}{Left}{ALTUP}
^XButton1::Send, {BS}


^XButton3::WinMaximize, A

Hope this helps!

; Easy Access to Favorite Folders -- by Savage
; autohotkey.com
; When you click the middle mouse button while certain types of
; windows are active, this script displays a menu of your favorite
; folders. Upon selecting a favorite, the script will instantly
; switch to that folder within the active window. The following
; window types are supported: 1) Standard file-open or file-save
; dialogs; 2) Explorer windows; 3) Console (command prompt) windows.
; The menu can also be optionally shown for unsupported window
; types, in which case the chosen favorite will be opened as a new
; Explorer window.

; Note: In Windows Explorer, if "View > Toolbars > Address Bar" is
; not enabled, the menu will not be shown if the hotkey chosen below
; has a tilde. If it does have a tilde, the menu will be shown
; but the favorite will be opened in a new Explorer window rather
; than switching the active Explorer window to that folder.

; If your mouse has more than 3 buttons, you could try using
; XButton1 (the 4th) or XButton2 (the 5th) instead of MButton.
; You could also use a modified mouse button (such as ^MButton) or
; a keyboard hotkey. In the case of MButton, the tilde (~) prefix
; is used so that MButton's normal functionality is not lost when
; you click in other window types, such as a browser. The presence
; of a tilde tells the script to avoid showing the menu for
; unsupported window types. In other words, if there is no tilde,
; the hotkey will always display the menu; and upon selecting a
; favorite while an unsupported window type is active, a new
; Explorer window will be opened to display the contents of that
; folder.
f_Hotkey = MButton
; Update the special commented section below to list your favorite
; folders. Specify the name of the menu item first, followed by a
; semicolon, followed by the name of the actual path of the favorite.
; Use a blank line to create a separator line.

ITEMS IN FAVORITES MENU <-- Do not change this string.
Desktop ; %A_Desktop%
Favorites ; %A_Desktop%..\Favorites

MenuName ; S:\yourPath
MenuName ; S:\yourPath
MenuName ; S:\yourPath

MenuName ; S:\yourPath
MenuName ; S:\yourPath
MenuName ; S:\yourPath

MenuName ; S:\yourPath
MenuName ; S:\yourPath
MenuName ; S:\yourPath

; Do not make changes below this point unless you want to change
; the basic functionality of the script.

#SingleInstance ; Needed since the hotkey is dynamically created.

Hotkey, %f_Hotkey%, f_DisplayMenu
StringLeft, f_HotkeyFirstChar, f_Hotkey, 1
if f_HotkeyFirstChar = ~ ; Show menu only for certain window types.
f_AlwaysShowMenu = n
f_AlwaysShowMenu = y

; Used to reliably determine whether script is compiled:
SplitPath, A_ScriptName,,, f_FileExt
if f_FileExt = Exe ; Read the menu items from an external file.
f_FavoritesFile = %A_ScriptDir%\Favorites.ini
else ; Read the menu items directly from this script file.
f_FavoritesFile = %A_ScriptFullPath%

;----Read the configuration file.
f_AtStartingPos = n
f_MenuItemCount = 0
Loop, Read, %f_FavoritesFile%
if f_FileExt <> Exe
; Since the menu items are being read directly from this
; script, skip over all lines until the starting line is
; arrived at.
if f_AtStartingPos = n
f_AtStartingPos = y
continue ; Start a new loop iteration.
; Otherwise, the closing comment symbol marks the end of the list.
if A_LoopReadLine = */
break ; terminate the loop
; Menu separator lines must also be counted to be compatible
; with A_ThisMenuItemPos:
if A_LoopReadLine = ; Blank indicates a separator line.
Menu, Favorites, Add
StringSplit, f_line, A_LoopReadLine, `;
f_line1 = %f_line1% ; Trim leading and trailing spaces.
f_line2 = %f_line2% ; Trim leading and trailing spaces.
; Resolve any references to variables within either field, and
; create a new array element containing the path of this favorite:
Transform, f_path%f_MenuItemCount%, deref, %f_line2%
Transform, f_line1, deref, %f_line1%
Menu, Favorites, Add, %f_line1%, f_OpenFavorite
return ;----End of auto-execute section.

;----Open the selected favorite
; Fetch the array element that corresponds to the selected menu item:
StringTrimLeft, f_path, f_path%A_ThisMenuItemPos%, 0
if f_path =
if f_class = #32770 ; It's a dialog.
if f_Edit1Pos <> ; And it has an Edit1 control.
; Activate the window so that if the user is middle-clicking
; outside the dialog, subsequent clicks will also work:
WinActivate ahk_id %f_window_id%
; Retrieve any filename that might already be in the field so
; that it can be restored after the switch to the new folder:
ControlGetText, f_text, Edit1, ahk_id %f_window_id%
ControlSetText, Edit1, %f_path%, ahk_id %f_window_id%
ControlSend, Edit1, {Enter}, ahk_id %f_window_id%
Sleep, 100 ; It needs extra time on some dialogs or in some cases.
ControlSetText, Edit1, %f_text%, ahk_id %f_window_id%
; else fall through to the bottom of the subroutine to take standard action.
else if f_class in ExploreWClass,CabinetWClass ;In Explorer, switch folders.
if f_Edit1Pos <> ; And it has an Edit1 control.
ControlSetText, Edit1, %f_path%, ahk_id %f_window_id%
; Tekl reported the following: "If I want to change to Folder L:\folder
; then the addressbar shows L:\folder.com. To solve this,
; I added a {right} before {Enter}":
ControlSend, Edit1, {Right}{Enter}, ahk_id %f_window_id%
; else fall through to the bottom of the subroutine to take standard action.
else if f_class = ConsoleWindowClass ; In a console window, CD to that directory
WinActivate, ahk_id %f_window_id% ; Because sometimes the mclick deactivates it.
SetKeyDelay, 0 ; This will be in effect only for the duration of this thread.
IfInString, f_path, : ; It contains a drive letter
StringLeft, f_path_drive, f_path, 1
Send %f_path_drive%:{enter}
Send, cd %f_path%{Enter}
; Since the above didn't return, one of the following is true:
; 1) It's an unsupported window type but f_AlwaysShowMenu is y (yes).
; 2) It's a supported type but it lacks an Edit1 control to facilitate the custom
; action, so instead do the default action below.

; add additional code here if you need to
; don’t go past the return

Run, C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\dopusrt.exe /cmd Go "%f_path%"
; Might work on more systems without double quotes.

;----Display the menu
; These first few variables are set here and used by f_OpenFavorite:
WinGet, f_window_id, ID, A
WinGetClass, f_class, ahk_id %f_window_id%
if f_class in #32770,ExploreWClass,CabinetWClass ; Dialog or Explorer.
ControlGetPos, f_Edit1Pos,,,, Edit1, ahk_id %f_window_id%
if f_AlwaysShowMenu = n ; The menu should be shown only selectively.
if f_class in #32770,ExploreWClass,CabinetWClass ; Dialog or Explorer.
if f_Edit1Pos = ; The control doesn't exist, so don't display the menu
else if f_class <> ConsoleWindowClass
return ; Since it's some other window type, don't display menu.
; Otherwise, the menu should be presented for this type of window:
Menu, Favorites, show

Thanks Leo
and thank you kgibbs for modifying the script. It works OK now ! and I like this script very much.