Unpacking ZIP File Problems

Today I tried to unpack a ZIP File and it gave me the following error when trying to unpack it with DOPUS.

Contacted Synology support and they suggested that maybe it was DOPUS and for me to try it on another machine. I did not had another machine at hand so what I did was to try it with Explorer and it worked without a problem.

Can anyone else try to reproduce this to see if its just on my end or whats wrong with this specific ZIP file.

The file in question can be found on the following address


And its the file "Synology Hyper Backup Explorer" the Windows ZIP File.

or Directly at the following link


Just trying to see if someone else get the same behavior from DOPUS when unzipping this file.

The archive has an empty folder named . at the top level, which is illegal in Windows (. is a special folder name which means "the current directory"), and path names like that in archives have been used by some exploits to trick unpacking tools into extracting files outside of the target folder (e.g. into folders below Program Files instead).

Opus detects and rejects such archives for security reasons.

I recommend telling Synology to fix the tool that created the archive, since a folder named . should never exist in a zip archive, at least not one intended for extraction on Windows like this one.

That makes sense. I will indeed get in contact with them again and pass along this info.

I just want to take the time to let you know that I've been a paying customer of two popular explorer replacements programs for a long time, Total Commander since 2010 and XYPlorer Pro Since 2007. For some reason I always knew about DOPUS but never took a look at it seriously.

I just want to say that after just some days of purchasing this app, The impression left in me by guys like you who are this proactive on this forums is top notch.

Don't know why I waited so long to make the jump to DOPUS but I'm impressed. Great program and Better support.

Total Commander still on my machine, rock solid, but XYPlorer has been out of my machine for almost six years, and I do own a Lifetime License LOL.

Thank you for an amazing program and all the help you provide around here. You have a new happy customer here with me ready to see whats coming from DOPUS in the future and ready to pay for the upgrade.

Keep up the good work.


I had a bit of a closer look at this particular archive, and we can make a simple change which will filter out the invalid folder entry and allow the remainder of the archive to be extracted. This will be in the next beta update.