All Windows users have a right mouse button (unless they're on a Mac, maybe). Not everyone has a middle mouse button. (And certainly when the feature was introduced 20+ years ago it was quite rare). So they're in the order they'll be most often used.
Ok, well it messes me up every time. I forget how it's ordered, so I click on the button wrong, doing the wrong operation, then I have to undo it, then go back to customize and swap the order, then test it out. I forget to do this every time I make a button, so later after I found out the hard way I conform everything to: Top down > left, middle, right buttons.
This is something that I have noticed as well, when looking at the tooltip I'm expecting the second line to be mmb and I have to do a retake when I realise it is the third line.
Left mouse = Primary button
Right mouse = Secondary button
Scroll wheel = Tertiary button
It makes sense if you think about the buttons’ meanings rather than their physical position (which isn’t the same on all devices anyway; and some don’t even have a middle button, like most laptops).
Ya, that's true. The Dopus button drop downs are vertical anyway, not horizontal. Just so used to up down is left right.
Right, me too. The reason I would be picky about this, is I've made buttons that can do some serious damage if I misclick. So it's good to make sure that the buttons are all in order.
I seriously F*N HATE repetative busywork. Especially when it comes to computers; that exist to be more efficient. Things like a stupid confirmation on delete, then it goes to a recycle bin, then I have to delete it again. Sweet, I love deleting everything twice. Please can I delete that email that I'm done with, then go into the trash and delete it again. Cause that's what I need to be doing with this time I have on this Earth. Doing everything twice because some execs at a big tech company decided on my behalf that it will save them 0.05% labour cost to not have to deal with any tech support complaints about deleted files. Not ever acknowledging the fact that no one ever asked for safety nets or other meaningless tasks like Windows UAC. Or the "captcha" challenges that exists to use people as guinea pigs to train AI, not stop bots.
This is quite the reply in response to what you wrote. But is the explanation to why things like this are important. I made a Dopus lister hotkey and added it to a button on my macro mouse. When I push the button it forces delete with a secure three wipe pass, no confirmation. That's right, if my birth certificate is selected and I push this button by mistake it's gone forever. That's how much I can't stand when my computer needs me to babysit it to do basic tasks that it does over and over again.
This is why I don't know what I'm going to do when Windows 10 ends support. Like hell I'm volunteering to regress into a worse operating system. Not happening. I have to click a radio button then click advanced for more options when there is MORE THAN ENOUGH SPACE on the dialog box? GTFO!
I'm gonna start ranting if I keep thinking about this.