Is there a way to put the "up one level" that is available in the right-click context menu on the folder tree tree itself so that one would click it to move up a level?
Chuck Billow
Is there a way to put the "up one level" that is available in the right-click context menu on the folder tree tree itself so that one would click it to move up a level?
Chuck Billow
I don't have an "up a level" item in my tree's context menu so I'm not totally sure what you mean.
If you just want something that goes to the parent directory you should already have a button to do that on your toolbar (on the left), and you can put one anywhere you like within the toolbars.
hi cw. personally, up one level is one of the functions attributed to mouse with stroke it, and is the quicliest way to do it. you should try it.
What I would love to see is a feature that I used all the time in xplorer2.
If you were browsing in a folder and double-clicked in a blank space it would send you up to the next level.
I would LOVE to see that in DO!
Yea, you guys are both right... thanks.
[quote="brossmac"]What I would love to see is a feature that I used all the time in xplorer2.
If you were browsing in a folder and double-clicked in a blank space it would send you up to the next level.
I would LOVE to see that in DO![/quote]
Seems like an odd idea - the whole point of these shortcuts is muscle memory. Which wouldn't work with this idea as you could only use it when the folder being displayed didnt use up all available space. Therefore its not reliable enough to become a muscle memory operation.
Hmmm... actually I think this is a really nice idea. I don't know about muscle memory and what not - but if we could double click on empty white lister directory space to go up - I can guarantee I would use that method all the time. It would be useless in heavily populated folders in Power Mode if full row select was enabled of course - but I never use power mode .
As it is, I sadly don't see this getting added to Opus . There are already so many damned ways of 'going up' between hotkeys, toolbars, file display border buttons, etc. However... maybe enabling double-clicking empty white lister space to be a configurable action would be the route for a feature request. I could see some people perhaps wanting to make that a CreateFolder action...
I love the double click idea. One of the things I like the most is double clicking the desktop anywhere and having it to open dopus automatically. I would love having a configurable double click action in a folder's white space (be it go up or make new dir or anything else).
Not such a bad idea I guess, although as steje says it would be useless in some modes. Features that only work "some of the time" aren't very good features in my opinion
We will look into adding this as an option for people who want it though.
The idea of it being configurable is great, too.
I never had much problem finding space in my folders, though I can see that it could be an issue. To me it became second nature, so much so that I still find myself doing it in Windows Explorer and DO.
Thanks for being open to the idea at least.
Just as long as you tell Nikos that I didn't deliberately steal the idea from him
Well... if you make the action performed configurable like everything else in Opus (:lol:) then it won't be such a 'steal' - . And if you REALLY wanted to differentiate it further, you could make an extra layer of configurability by letting us define different actions for keybound combo clicks:
ALT-DBLCLICK= action a
etc etc... Something I'd love to see with toolbars too.
Being a Hotkey fanatic (I hate the productivity I lose every time I reach from keyboard to mouse), I set the following keys:
[li] Alt + Left Arrow = Go Back[/li]
[li] Alt + Right Arrow = Go forward[/li]
[li] Alt + Up Arrow = Go Up Back[/li]
[li] Alt + Down Arrow = Go Root[/li][/ul]
In case it's useful, there's a FAQ listing the 5 ways you can currently go to the parent directory in Opus:
Time to update the FAQ :
From the Opus v9.0.0.7 release notes:
Updated. Ta for the reminder.
No problem... Ti for the Ta .