Using Opus Hotkey Shortcut with Parsec Remote Access on Machine that Also has Opus

I'm remoting into another machine that also has Opus with the same configuration using Parsec which is configured to pass hotkeys. I'm assuming Opus can't do anything to fix this and I just have to use a different shortcut on the machine I'm connecting to but I figured it doesn't hurt to ask. I invoke my floating toolbar with a macro Toolbar NAME="Floating Toolbar" STATE=float APPBAR=top POS=mousel TOGGLE AUTOCLOSE and the shortcut Control+Alt+Z. When Opus is open on the machine I'm connecting from it grabs that hotkey, Once I close Opus the hotkey properly passes to the machine I'm connecting to. I'm wondering if there is any way to exclude the hotkey from working when I'm using a certain program, in this case Parsec.

You could probably change what the hotkey does to something else if a particular thing has focus, but it would still end up swallowing the keypress and preventing the other thing from seeing it. So, probably not useful unless the hotkey is triggering an action on both machines at once.

I think it's something which the remoting software would need to handle, so it gets the keys first when it is active. Similar to how such software would usually make the Windows key, or Alt+Tab, go to the remote machine instead of the local one (at least when the client is maximized).

That's what I thought. I just wasn't sure if I could disable the hotkey when I was in a certain application.