Video tutorial: making switch to dopus

This is a Directory Opus (dopus) tutorial which is meant for users who are making the transition from another dualpane filemanager.
When I made the transition from another dualpane filemanager to dopus it took me some time to find the information in this tutorial.

I hope by creating this tutorial I can make the transition for other users a bit more quicker and easier.

EDIT: The youtube page itself has a clickable timesheet in the video descrption below.


00:00 - Intro
00:32 - Normal dual pane
00:52 - double click middle divider to set 50%50%
01:00 - Drive buttons - method 1 (active pane)
02:02 - Drive Buttons - method 2 (dedicated to LEFT/RIGHT pane
05:58 - Tabs above
06:24 - Create system wide label for executable
07:08 - Set [F5] and [F6] (copy and move)
09:34 - Move bar below that contains copy, move, etc... AND add 'commandline bar' below
10:34 - Edit statusbar and hide statusbar
11:06 - Hotkeys for set target pane to source pane and swap panes
11:54 - Unintended items below in your favorites list (star icon)
12:05 - Customize toolbar (add application) and conditional button
14:14 - Quick renaming tip (F2 keep pressing, upper, lower, word...)
14:39 - Copy file or folder, [CTRL]+[V] in address-bar pastes path!
14:59 - Text in clipboard get's pasted as TEXTfile
15:22 - Using portable version dopus.exe in script, use the CORRECT 'dopus.exe'
15:34 - Settings , backup and restore on full version and portable version AND updating portable version.
16:24 - Clear history
16:41 - Run items on dopus startup
16:57 - Command line open specific path in LEFT and RIGHT pane / lister
17:22 - command line, start different dopus configurations