Videoplayer not playing after some folders

Hi everybody,

i have a problem....

My Videoplayer isnt working if the video i want to play is stored in my file system....
I have a file system where i sort everything so i can find all i need very quickly...

And now my problem after like 16 Folders who are stacked in each other, i finally am where my videos are stored. If i then click onto the button to play the video it doesnt work, to make it work i have to open a video player outside Opus, than it works.A other Solution for this problem is that i have to cut out the video from the folder i store it, put it in one of the first folders, than than to klick the button...than it works.
I would like to question if it is possible to solve this problem in some way, i think that happens because of the path length.
Expecially to dont have these problems like path length for folders i use Directory Opus, would be really good if it would be possible to have a solution for that...
I know someone will say that i have to have not so many Folders stacked in each other...but i hate to use abbreviations and so on to sort everything.

Maybe it is possible to do something to make it work, i would be very pleased for that.

thx for your help

Please give more details, e.g. example paths.

How long are the paths?

Do the same videos play OK if you copy them to your desktop?

Is cloud storage or a NAS involved? If it's a NAS, it is a Windows server or something else?


i made an exaple path on an external drive with some words to show you what i mean,

F:\1)Sicherheitskopie nur von allen sehr wichtigen Dingen aus meiner Wissensbibliothek\4)Wichtig das ist der Wissensbibliothek Ordner hier befindet sich wichtiges drin,nicht löschen\2)Elektrik\Elektrik\Lebendig\noch einzusortieren\2)noch zu bearbeiten\Elektrik wahrscheinlich doppelt 2\Themen\Störungsfindung (now the video is in here).

In the Last folder is the video stored, if i copy the same video to the third folder the folder "2)Elektrik" it is able to play, if i put the video back it doesnt work to play again.

i made another path to show the problem, now without a external drive, the path is:

C:\Users\sebas\Desktop\Neuer Ordner\Neuer Ordner\Neuer Ordner (2)\Neuer Ordner (2) - Kopie (3)\Neuer Ordner (2) - Kopie\Neuer Ordner (2) - Kopie (2)\Neuer Ordner (2) - Kopie (4)\Neuer Ordner (2) - Kopie (5)\Neuer Ordner (2) - Kopie (6) (now the video is here)

it also doenst work to play, if i put the video back in one of the first folders it works.

Maybe i am clicking the wrong button to play the video? I click on the button "File preview", cant really think that i am clicking the wrong button because otherwise it would not play in the first folders.

Those paths are over 256 characters long, which will break a lot of Windows APIs and libraries, which apparently includes the media playback APIs. (Despite Microsoft's claims/lies to the contrary, it's still an issue in much of the OS.)

We can only guarantee that essential operations like copy/rename/move/delete work with paths that long. While we can sometimes find workarounds for APIs/libraries that don't work with long paths, it isn't always feasible or within our control.

Bad to hear that you cant do anything against this problem, i have to use players outside Opus to see the videos, or to copy it to the first folders to play them.
Hopefully in the future there will be a solution for that, please keep an Eye on that.

Thank you for the great work you already did with Opus, that it is able to do operations like copy/rename/move/delete folders in huge folder structures without having problems with the path length.