I work with dxf files every day. Would like to view as thumbnails and not have to open the files in my Cad program.
at one stage Opus came with the ability to view the dxf files in the directory.
Is a plugin or setting still in use, or can any one please assist me with info
Opus has never had a built-in DXF viewer, so that must have been coming from something else you had installed.
If it was something that installed a Preview Handler, then it would work in Opus (and File Explorer, and Outlook) if whatever it was was installed again. (Or it may need repairing if something took over the registry settings involved.)
On the other hand, it may have been a viewer designed for ActiveX or Internet Explorer, which would require some additional setup to make work in the viewer pane (as well as installing whatever provides the viewer itself). An example of setting that up for the Opus viewer pane is described here:
Hi, Just downloaded Opus today for trial. I found that it doesn't show dxf thumbnail or preview even though I can see the the dxf thumbnail in Windows 10 using an app from Microsoft Store. The link to the app is given here. The app is named "DXF Thumbnails"
Do I need to enable any option to see the thumbnail in Opus?
I attach two screenshots here. One of the Directory Opus and one of Windows Explorer for the same files. If you see file named 2.dxf and 3.dxf, you will see the difference.
So the thing in File Explorer is not a proper viewer; it's just a thumbnailer.
Shell thumbnailers have the lowest priority in Opus, only being checked if no plugins handle the same file. Since the file contains only text data, it's being treated as a text file.
You can make thumbnails in the file display work by going to Preferences / Viewer / Plugins and configuring Text-File Thumbnails to add .dxf to the extensions it should ignore.
There isn't currently a way to stop the text viewer handling those files in the viewer pane (without disabling the text viewer entirely), but you'll be able to see the thumbnails everywhere else.