Is it possible to make the external viewer load pictures automatically (just like viewer pane does)?
I am using the viewer, as the pane is too small and I can position the external viewer window on my second monitor... However, to use it I have to select all the pictures to view, which is not convenient.
"Does it not" was really a question tag, not a question. I did check it out before asking... Unless I'm missing something obvious...
From the start: I have a directory with various files (pdfs, jpgs, unknown, etc.) I want to check quickly. I might select every one of them and use the standalone viewer button (or a shortcut), which I do not find too convenient. Mind you that if I do that, the Next/Previous list is not generated automatically, which is not surprising as there was no double click anywhere.
When I double-click the file, naturally the associated application starts (which I would like, of course, to avoid). The standalone viewer and the Next/Previous list do not get updated.
I don't know if the Show command's behaviour is a bug or not but there is a workaround.
Create a button (or hotkey) which runs this command:
FileType ACTION=dblclk
If you select some files and then run this button it will act as if they had been double-clicked, as a group. Assuming Opus is set to use the viewer on double-click the result is that a viewer will open with just the selected files in its next/prev list.
I'm not sure if there's a way to make it work if you don't want the viewer to handle double-clicks, though. Perhaps one of the other actions could be made to do the same but I'm not sure.