Virtual Desktop

Is it possible to use Opus to create a desktop based on non-system drive - one that does NOT have a desktop folder in a multiple monitor configuration on Windows 7? I would like to create a Virtual Desktop based on a disk or folder which is on the network with the flexibility to organize the virtual desktop just like the desktop on the host machine but a virtual one. This virtual desktop would occupy a screen on a multiple monitor.

A desktop as in the full-screen background behind all other windows? No, Opus doesn't do that.

Something like Stardock's Fences tool might be what you're looking for, although I have not used it myself and may be wrong about exactly how it works. Worth a look, though.

I have and use Fences both at home and at work. I love it. It lets you setup a "fence" around a group of icons. You can name the fence and it will even be scrollable if you if the list of icons is longer than your fence. You can have as many fences as you want. They all live on your desktop will not show up over the top of any window. One piece of advice, if you use DOpus' own double-click (which shows a default lister by default), you'll want turn off the double-click feature in Fences.

Or, turn off the double-click feature in DOpus to use the Fences quick hide. I prefer the DOpus double-click, so I disabled the Fences quick hide.

The two screenshots below show where to make the change to double-click. First one is from Fences and the second one is from DOpus.

Thank you.

To clarify what I am seeking is a means to create a virtual desktop on a folder which exists on the internal domain network. This desktop would occupy one dedicated screen on a multiple monitor configuration. I could set up the icons for the files/folders in the folder and interact with them just like a normal desktop including the spatial organization. From a UI perspective this virtual desktop would be just like the desktop on the host PC.

Re: Fences. I see where Fences has the capability to "Make your desktop a portal to your files" which seems to be what I am seeking but it is not clear how this relates to a multiple monitor configuration.

Is this correct?
If Opus was also running could Opus work exclusively within the virtual desktop fence?
What is the importance of Double Click cited above for both Fences and Opus?

There might be a program to do this. Basically, you would want to instantiate a separate copy of Explorer (which is the program that creates our Windows desktop) and have it live in a specific monitor and have it refer to a specific folder as if it were ... oy, this sounds complicated. Explorer currently reads icons from the user's Desktop folder. You'd need a way to tell it, "Hey, I'm not really that user. Rather, I'm this other user over here. And, I don't really want to be on these three screens, but I want to be only on that one screen while I'm this other user."

Microsoft creating something like that would potentially create a veritable host of problems. For example, viruses could easily "re-home" your Explorer-driven desktop to another "home" folder and most users wouldn't be any wiser. Meanwhile, the replacement icons could be rigged to launch a copy of a virus or trojan and further infect the system and other systems. I know you can move, per user, your Desktop folder to another location, but it is still your only Desktop folder.

[quote="N411JL"]Re: Fences. I see where Fences has the capability to "Make your desktop a portal to your files" which seems to be what I am seeking but it is not clear how this relates to a multiple monitor configuration.

Is this correct?[/quote]
A fence can be a living, dynamic representation of a folder on your computer (local or networked location). This is called a "Folder Portal" feature. Fences are monitor-aware, so if you stick a fence on monitor 3, then it will be recreated on monitor 3 when you next reboot and/or login.

I see no reason to "home" or "root" (to borrow FTP/*nix terms) DOpus to a specific location on your computer. If you are that particular about it, perhaps you need to think about running a virtual PC on that monitor that has access only to that folder.

For Fences, a double-click toggles showing and hiding of the fences (and their icons).

For DOpus, a double-click can open a lister (either the default lister or a specific lister you've saved).

Both of these you can see in the screenshots I attached in my previous reply.

Only one double-click wins and I think it was Fences. So, I mention it to make sure you know how to forcefully tell the software which one you want to have handling the double-click on an empty part of the desktop.

Superb response.
This is enough to set up a configuration and test.
Thank you.