Windows Vista is no longer beta.
I have 15 licenses for Vista Enterprise and it is definitely final release.
My question is, when will there be a Windows Vista version of Directory Opus?
And when will there be a Vista 64bit version?
John Wilson
I've no license for Vista Enterprise and it's definitely beta until SP1.
To be honest: I installed Vista on a test system and I believe you'll have to wait some time...(use search!).
Vista has RTM'ed I'm using it here, 32 bit until I get the new machine but it is out and about.
This has been covered ad nauseum in a number of threads. There's no need to rehash it again.
[quote="sarek"]Windows Vista is no longer beta.
I have 15 licenses for Vista Enterprise and it is definitely final release.
My question is, when will there be a Windows Vista version of Directory Opus?
And when will there be a Vista 64bit version?
John Wilson[/quote]
I'm quite disappointed! I first saw this and immediately ran out to my local electronics retailer. To my surprise they stated Vista has not been released to the consumer market yet.
Check the FAQ section: [Windows Vista)
Many people have installed the RTM version from their MS Action Pack or TechNet subscriptions. Vista is coming, and will be the standard OS. Right, wrong, or indifferent...there will be no avoiding it. Rail against it all you like...won't change a thing.
Linux is great...but only geeks use it. And try playing Oblivion on SuSe. It's highly functional, but hardly mainstream. XP is fine, but it's days are numbered.
The point being that Directory Opus can embrace Vista, and continue to be a viable product. Or, it can reject it and become marginalized.
Vista retail isn't out yet. Anyone installing it right now is an early adopter who shouldn't be surprised if everything they use isn't updated yet. Even huge companies like Microsoft(!), Logitech and NVidia haven't updated their software and drivers yet. GPSoft are working on a Vista update and posting about it won't speed things up.
Please be patient!
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