I just got my Vista Ultimate machine. Opus runs fine on the whole. I have 2 problems.
What setting do I need so that Vista doesn't ask for permission every time I bring Opus up? And along the same line, how do I get it to come up at startup without complaint?
I can't get at file properties in Opus.
I think the answer to the first question might solve the others.
Did you try what was suggested in the existing Vista threads? ( [Windows Vista) )
I'm not sure myself as I've never tried to run Opus 8 on Vista but it looks like there's some info in those threads.
Of course, these problems will be gone in the next version since it adds proper/official Vista support. That version is being beta-tested now (by Jon, Tanis, myself and some other forum members running Vista on our main machines) and the wait should be over soon.
I can't wait.
I Have had to use Vista explorer for a month now... Bring my Dopus back!!!!
I will jump the "buy now" / "upgrade" the second I see the new version being ready. Cant wait, login on this site 4 times a day, just to check...
On the good side, I have been learning a lot of new swear-words, and I am using them everytime I have to move some files, holding down ctrl, hitting the delete-key only to find the directorytree was selected instead of the file I was supposed to be deleting.
Pleace bring me powermode back before my gf puts tape on my mouth and make me swear to never swear again
[quote]I can't wait.
I Have had to use Vista explorer for a month now... Bring my Dopus back!!!! [/quote][/color]
Have you tried the Vista Text to Speech yet?
I only have preset called 'Microsoft Anna'.
I'd prefer Britney Spears and the ability to access the voice in batch files, help, error messages, etc ....
[quote="isolomon"]1. What setting do I need so that Vista doesn't ask for permission every time I bring Opus up? And along the same line, how do I get it to come up at startup without complaint?
I can't get at file properties in Opus.
You didn't happen to select "Run as Administrator" did you? I haven't seen any issues relating to permissions since installing DOpus on my Vista Ultimate. I have seen issues related to file properties, but if I'm desparate, I can open Explorer and checking there.
[quote="isolomon"]1. What setting do I need so that Vista doesn't ask for permission every time I bring Opus up? And along the same line, how do I get it to come up at startup without complaint?
Ira[/quote]I eliminated a lot of that with DO and other programs by turning off the default User Access Control. It was too controlling for/on me. I don't need Micro$oft "controlling" this user. My guess is that most experienced DO users are fairly advanced and don't need Bill Gates babysitting their PCs with what amounts to a software v-chip.
UAC has more to do with controlling applications (and not running programs with admin rights when they don't need them) than it does with controlling what you as an admin user do. UAC doesn't stop you from doing anything but it might stop a faulty/compromised program from doing something you wouldn't want it to.
[quote="nudel"]UAC has more to do with controlling applications (and not running programs with admin rights when they don't need them) than it does with controlling what you as an admin user do. UAC doesn't stop you from doing anything but it might stop a faulty/compromised program from doing something you wouldn't want it to.[/quote]When I turned it off, I stopped getting all those "are you sure" annoying popups when I tried to launch some of my favorite programs. If they come out with a way to say "I'm sure and don't ask me again about this program", I will probably turn it back on. I have no problem with the concept, but found the implementation less than desirable.