I am interested in making a script to perform a find and return the result so that another application can read it. I have read some posts that will be very helpful.
Script to access list of File Collections
Iterating through find results
One key thing I read in the forum is that the find will happen asynchronously. So, I guess that means the following steps must be told to wait. This is part I am not sure about. Or I should say I do not know what to do.
Via a *.dcf created by another application, I want to pass a string to Directory Opus to Find. I already have that part working. Once that is complete (results found), I want the result to be passed back to the application. I know how to do this via a text file output by a script. However, I need the passing via text file to wait for the Directory Opus search to complete.
The key part I want help with is how Directory Opus will do the find and then output the data in the proper order and timing.
How can you tell Directory Opus to wait for a find in a script? Or if there is a better way to get/wait for the result, please share it. Thanks for any help.