WAV File Differences In Tooltip Info

I am currently running the latest available BETA (12.20.2) that includes the fix for M4A media files. With this version and the previous versions before I am noticing that WAV files also support my custom audio tags as much as possible. However, I am seeing differences that I do not understand.

Below is my custom pop-up info for audio files:

Here is what I see for some WAV files:

For some others though, this is what I see:

My question is why is one showing the actual wav as an image but not the other?

There's no obvious reason I can think of since the two files seem to be the same format. If you can zip the second file and put it on Dropbox or another sharing site we can download it and have a look.

I can't get any wave form info tip at all. Where is that setting?

Click Settings | File Types on the menu. Expand File Type Groups and modify the Music Group. Add contents to Info Tip tab after clicking the Edit button.

Thx, Jamil, but i cannot find the type "contents" here anywhere. That's strange.

Contents is your desired info tip text. You create it yourself. See my example in my first screenshot above.

Ok, i think i see, what the issue is. I indeed had {thumbnail} already in my infotip for a long time, which explains why i have slightly remembered having seen those wave thumbs already, when the feature was new. But one of my music players must have obliterated that thumbnail, supposedly Windows' native player Music Groove, which seems to still own the WAV files, because i rarely use that format, so it's not registered to MusicBee, which is the main player i'm currently using. So all i get is that other icon, that looks a bit like a stylized turntable. And now i have changed it to use MusicBee, but now i get the icon of that program, instead of the wave file.


{thumbnail} does it. The very first tool tip definition line in the screenshot.

Yep, thanks for checking. But so far the music players native icon wins. Not a big issue, i just was curious, where that feature went. Maybe there is some tweak in the "misceallaneous" section to adjust that?

Do you have the WAV plugin turned off?

It's indeed turned off, but i have no explanation for that, since i didn't actively turn it off by myself. But there seems to be some other odd thing going on. For some reason, i can't activate it, nor could i configure it. Maybe Windows' security settings are messing with a part of the config files, stopping me from making changes. That applies to all plugins in the viewer plugins menu, while i'm able to change the settings in the VFS menu. Hmm.

Edit: thanks Jon, i have found it now. Even though i can't set the "check" in the small menu, i could open the plugin manager to activate it. I can't remember to have it turned off in that place, though. Anyway, i have the wave thumbnails now displayed.

The upload is complete. You may download the file here:


It's 1.7GB.

Also, it seems to be a file specific issue. It's a large file, but the wav never shows regardless of how long I wait. I did not create these files. They are a subscription stream. Also, if I copy portions of the file to a new smaller file, the issue is not present.

Thanks, downloading now. Yes it is a large file but only marginally bigger than the one shown in your screenshot that works. And the normal size-relative threshold for something to stop working would be at 2GB or 4GB, not 1.77GB :slight_smile:

It works ok here:

Does it make any difference if you rename the file? Maybe it's an issue with the thumbnail cache.

Renaming the file to test.wav showed the thumbnail wav after a brief delay.

However, renaming the files is not fixing the other files that share this issue.

I exited Directory Opus from the taskbar icon. After relaunching it is now showing all thumbnails as expected after a brief delay.

Maybe try clearing the thumbnail cache.