WAV fmt3 support

Is there a possibility in DOpus to play WAV files in the WAV fmt3 format?

What is WAV fmt3? Google seems to find nothing about the format.


What is it though? What creates it? Where is it documented?

I dont know. I never have this kind of problems wit wave files in DOpus. In every audio program i have (Ableton, Soundforge) i have no problems to play this kind of wave formats.

Are you aiming to play this in the viewer pane, or using the (very) simple audio player Opus has as an option on double-click?

I always preview my wav files with double click with this small audio player. It is very handy way. Foobar also reads this wave format but i prefer dopus.

The bigger problem here may likely be that the samples are 32bit float audio files.

It's amusing that this sample pack is in 32bit float, but then only 48kHz sample rate

Just to fill in some missing information here: fmt3 means that the format code in the wav header is 0x0003, which is 32-bit floating point format.

Hi, first post. I'm also using this fmt3 wav and Directory Opus does play it - but not always. I authored three versions of this file: two play in the mini player and one does not.

The one that doesn't play, "directory-opus-mrecorder0", was recorded and rendered in 32bit by Meldaproduction MRecorder.

Of the two that do play, one was recorded and rendered by Meldaproduction MRecorder in 24bit: "directory-opus-mrecorder1". This is to show that MRecorder can produce playable files.

The other that plays, "directory-opus-reaper", was recorded and rendered in 32bit by Cockos Reaper. By my observation, there is no indication that this file differs in any way from the 32bit MRecorder file; at least based on the Properties shown by Windows.

Here is a dropbox link so you can compare and hopefully determine the certain difference. Ultimately, I'd like for both to be treated equally by Directory Opus since I like using the mini player.


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Hi, it's been three weeks and I haven't seen a follow up nor any mention of this in the newest beta. I just made a post on KVR in the Meldaproduction support forum so hopefully someone's team can investigate this issue. If anyone on the Directory Opus team has ideas, please let me know so I can pass them along and I will do the same if I receive updates from Melda. The thread is here:

Looking forward to the resolution!


Hi, just wanted to update this request. Melda got back and said the ball is probably in your court. I know I'm a new DO user and I don't mean to ask for something as soon as I bought a license but I hope you consider fixing this discrepancy; especially because it seems like this applies to other users as well. Thanks.

We'll probably be updating the simple wav player to use a newer playback API in the future, which should make it work with things like wav-fmt3.

I'm not sure exactly when, but most of the work required is already done (for something unrelated), so hopefully soon-ish.


Hi, Leo. Thanks for your response. I find this to be a very exciting development and I eagerly await its release.


That has been done for the next Opus 13 beta (13.0.37).


Far out, Leo. I just upgraded to v13 (for free - thank you!) and am working toward testing this. Congrats on the release! :tada:

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Where did you find the opportunity to update to version 13 for free?

13 was free for people who bought 12 just before it came out.

aa ok. I thought I missed some great promotion :slight_smile:

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