I have just run Sysinternals Autoruns on my Windows 11 laptop. Autoruns details things that run at startup.
In the section HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ShellExecuteHooks
it shows a missing file
{3CF9ECE0-1A9F-11d2-8C73-00C06C2005DE} File not found:
I have googled this string of characters and found relates to Directory Opus.
It doesn't give the name of the missing file, What exactly is missing?
Do I need to do anything about it?
DOpus seems to working ok, so I'm not sure what it refers to.
More worryingly, my searching led me to a site called Dr Web which says Directory Opus contains Trojan.Siggen28.57960
Thanks for the replies, I don't have a crash and no problem with Dopus, it runs great. Maybe the missing item (CLSID) shown by Autoruns is because I have set DOpus not to start with Windows 11 and not to replace Windows File Explorer.
Either way, it doesn't cause any issues, I just wondered why Autoruns said it was missing, which made me think it should not be. I'm someone who tries to find an explanation for everything
Regarding the drweb site which details various Dopus files as trojan. I agree, they're talking nonsense, they should get facts right and not post misinformation about highly regarded reputable software.