When rightclicking icons on the desktop, they won't backlight

Hello. I have installed Opus 13 Pro on 2 computers with Windows 11. Soon after, I noticed then when righclicking any icon on the desktop the icon is not backlighted (on both machines), but the proper menu is shown like always. How to solve this issue and make backlighting come back to me? Need some support :slight_smile:

Opus doesn't affect how the Windows desktop renders things. Whatever is going on is caused by something else.

Ok. Thanks. I thought that if it integrates with Windows and replaces Windows Explorer, then it also affects backlighting. And I thought there are some options for this, because - you know - You have million of strange options.

We don't replace the Windows shell (desktop, taskbar, etc.); we just change what the default file manager is when you double-click a folder (etc.).