Styles: Images - showing thumbnails on the right and files in the middle window pane.
When selecting a thumbnail, is there then a way to mark, or highlight, or underline the file name in the file list (middle pane)?
Right now, I need to search for the file name in the list.
Maybe the question is a bit confusing. The below is what I mean.
Should it already be available within Opus, then sorry, I obviously am overlooking it.
You can use the Edit -> Select Other -> Select Source Selection to Destination command to copy the selection from file display to another, if that helps?
How to Select Source Selection to Destination 'by default'?
Meaning: when selecting a different file/thumbnail then that source file is always highlighted.
Is it possible to 'set' this behaviour as default when selecting Styles>Images.
I use Styles > Images. In my case it shows 3 window panes: left, folder tree, middle: file names (view: details), right: thumbnails.
Imagine the scenario that middle and right window panel are both in 'Files Only' mode.
When re-organising files that have more or less identical names, it would be nice to instantly see where they are located, i.e. in which folders and should be deleted or move to another one.
In the above screenshot I have resized the middle pane (the screenshot would be too big), but normally the sizes and folders would also visible.
Personally..., I think it would be handy to have the file highlighted, or underlined, when going thru the thumbnails.