JSON files are plain text but it would be helpful if the viewer pain could format the file in the display.
Any suggestions on how to accomplish this with a plugin?
A JSON Preview Handler for File Explorer and Outlook would also work in Opus, and is your best bet. I could only find other people asking for one from a quick search, but maybe there is one out there.
Other than that, you'd need to write one, or get someone else to.
Did you find a solution to this? I would love to have JSON files formatted for preview.
The closest I found was the awful "PowerToys" which support syntax highlighting the JSON, but not actually formatting.
(awful as in - slow, unreliable, sometimes stops working until the next reboot, and often crashes dopus or explorer. The latest version 0.57 crashes less, but preview is so ridiculously slow they display a 'please wait' banner...)
I chose to use Visual Studio Code. Once the json file is open, you may have to tell VSC to format the file: After loading the .json file to VSC, press F1 then select Format.
Although I really wanted a formatted JSON preview, I ended up doing something similar - chrome with the JSONVue extension.
Thx anyway.