First click somewere in an empty spot in your listers toolbar area, until 'customize' appears.
Choose > 'New' > 'New Button'. After another right click in that area a new button will apear. You right click it then, choose Edit.
The button command editor will pop up. Give the button a label (name) in the upper field, and paste your code into the large field at the bottom. That would be the path to your TeraCopy location. You may have to place that path into quotation marks, if your path contains blank spaces, like "C:\Programs\Tera Copy\Teracopy.exe".
Click OK after you finished the button.
let Leo himself show you, how a new button is created.
That is the problem, there is no "Customize" and Paste is grayed out. Maybe I need to upgrade. I will read some more. I also read @jonrDirectoryOpus similar suggestion. (Thank you Jon)
Copy this code to the clipboard, go to the Directory Opus, and
paste "Copy" button to the toolbar in the Customize mode.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<usercommand backcol="none" textcol="none">
<tip>Copy files with TeraCopy</tip>
<function type="normal">
<instruction>%ProgramFiles%\TeraCopy\TeraCopy.exe Copy *{allfilepath|filem} {destpath}</instruction>
Repeat with this code to insert the "Move" button.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<usercommand backcol="none" textcol="none">
<tip>Move files with TeraCopy</tip>
<function type="normal">
<instruction>%ProgramFiles%\TeraCopy\TeraCopy.exe Move *{allfilepath|filem} {destpath}</instruction>