Where does this context menu entry come from?

Hi all! o)

I generally think to have understood the context menu system DO provides. But I have menu entries for some filetypes, for which I cannot explain why they are shown.
For example the entries "Vorschau" (translates to "Preview") and "View in Directory Opus" shown in the screenshot below.
I enabled to "hide" windows context menu items and there is no specific menu entry for the jpg-file type or the image-filetype group and for "all files" there is nothing as well.
Additionally there is another group called "Recognized Images" and it also has no defined menu entries and searching the registry for "View in Directory Opus" leaves me with no results.

So, can you explain to me, where these come from? Thanks in advance! o))

The "Hide windows context menu items" option only hides shell extension-added context menu entries; it doesn't hide static registry verbs. So I would have a look in your registry under related keys (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.jpg, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\jpegfile, etc).

Oh, you're right! I forgot that hiding windows context menu entries affects menu shell extensions only.
Thank you for redirecting me to the registry again, I was able to find the "Preview" entry there after some trial and error. It was hidden under an item called DropTarget or something.

I also tried to make things easy by using some dedicated tool for editing context menu entries, but they all were not really helpful to find the cause - despite one: defaultprogramseditor.com
Maybe that's helpful for others as well. I found it's the only tool that also shows "action" type menu entries, which are not registered to a single filetype, but by some additional type of context shell extension, which add menu entries for several filetypes at once.

So what's left was "View in Directory Opus" and this took some time, as it has nothing to with windows and registry definitions. This entry is related to the setting in the prefs shown below. If enabled, the "View in Directory Opus" menu entry will be added for all images, after disabling this one, that entry was gone and the menu showed up the way I wanted it to. Phew! o)

Thanks again! o)