Why does FAYT filter mode need parentheses escaped or to be in pairs?


I'm using the FAYT filter mode and matching items in the file display. One item, a folder, contains parentheses and typing (name will not match it. I have to either close the term with another parenthesis, but that's only really searching for "name" then (no leading parenthesis), or escape the opening parenthesis using an apostrophe '(name. The mode's option to use regular expressions is disabled. It appears that the Filter mode has some other syntax in use. Is that true, if so, what is it and where can I learn more about it? If not, perhaps this is a bug.


Directory Opus v13.6.1

Parentheses are used in wildcards, not just regex.

Ah, right. So the Filter mode supports wildcards. Thank you for the link.

It's been a while since I configured Directory Opus (I just upgraded to v13) but I believe I chose the Filter mode over the Filter Bar because of its "Select first matching item" feature, and for literally matching on items. The Filter Bar was then supposed to be my way of using regular expressions. I was under the wrong impression however; there is no literal matching without escaping in Filter mode. I would need to use Find mode for that instead (but I don't like that mode so much). I will just have to make sure to escape any wildcards.
