Why is OPUS always on top of any other windows?

Is there a way to have OPUS not be on top all the time?
I have searched and looked in preferences to no avail.
I always end up having to minimize OPUS which is a rectal irritation if you know what I mean.....LOL


This seems to come up every other month or so. I just checked and I didn't see it in the FAQ so as a side note to nudel and tanis, perhaps it could be added?

edsyl to answer your question if you look in the far upper right hand corner of your lister, you'll see some pushbuttons. One of them looks like a pushpin (it's called the pin gadget if you want to search help). Pressing that changes your options to keep Opus on top or not. Try changing it so the pin is horizontal.

[quote="JohnZeman"]This seems to come up every other month or so. I just checked and I didn't see it in the FAQ so as a side note to nudel and tanis, perhaps it could be added?

edsyl to answer your question if you look in the far upper right hand corner of your lister, you'll see some pushbuttons. One of them looks like a pushpin (it's called the pin gadget if you want to search help). Pressing that changes your options to keep Opus on top or not. Try changing it so the pin is horizontal.[/quote]

Thank you very much!

Good point. I've added a FAQ entry.

It seems like every new occurrence of OPUS is pinned, and I have to unpin it manually.
Is there a way to turn off the pin feature default?

Try unpinning a lister window and then closing it. If you open another window after this is it still pinned?