I have been searching the help in the forums for this, so perhaps I am not looking in the right places...
I want to create to filters.
all folders containing ! as the first character to be a certain color. Assigning a color to a filter i know how to do, but when creating the filter, I am not sure how to do it. I thought if I put "\ !" (no space, but if i remove space this forum removes the slash) would do the trick, but it looks back at the entire folder path. not just the folder I am in.
c:\test!test1\1234\567 would mean that when when i am inside the 1234 folder 567 would be the color I chose simply because !test1 existed. when i am in c:\test i want to see !test1 in green (lets say) and when i go inside of !test i should not see 1234 also in green. but only if the first character is a ! not !!
I also want to create the same filter but for files only. I think the wildcard would be the same and i jsut choose files from the drop down. I have been trying to find samples of this or if other users posted such questions, but i had not found it.
I tried that.... it works for the parent directory. If I am in c:\ I will see the !test folder in green. Which is what I want. What happens with your expression is if I go into c:\!test all the folders in there will also be green. That is because the parent folder has the ! in it. Once I enter c:\!test I do not want to see any folders inside in green unless they too contain a ! as the starting character
If you only want folders with ! in their names to be green, that's easy. Just use *!* as the wildcard, turn off the Match Full Path checkbox, and set the Type drop-down to Folders.
(Edit: And turn off Use Regular Expressions if it's on, as you only need a simple *!* wildcard for this.)
I had downloaded FIrewrangler's config file just to see how someone else uses DO and i saw things that I had not known were possible or even thought to do. My config, for the most part is 10+ years old with very little change. I like the option where you can have the relative size graph be integrated into the size column instead of needed 2 columns to display it both. Now I just need to figure out how (if possible) to change the color from a pale blue to something else. I will hunt around in the color section, perhaps there is something in there that will allow for that.