Wildcard Folder Format: "Expand Aliases" option does not seem to work

According to the docs at Folder Formats [Directory Opus Manual], if "the Expand aliases option is turned on then Opus will attempt to expand folder aliases and environment variables in the entered string before performing the pattern matching."

However, neither environment variables (e.g. %SHAREX_DIR%) nor aliases (e.g. /dopusdata) seem to work - the folder format is not applied in the respective folders. Also the syntax outlined in the docs (/$dopusdata; why is an $ needed here?) does not work.

Is this a bug or am I using it wrong?

However, neither environment variables (e.g. %SHAREX_DIR%) nor aliases (e.g. /dopusdata) seem to work - the folder format is not applied in the respective folders.

Working fine.

Also the syntax outlined in the docs (/$dopusdata; why is an $ needed here?) does not work.

"For example, /$Data (which is a folder alias for a drive called Data) would let you create a folder format that applies to a drive labeled Data no matter what drive letter it has."

Do you have a drive (not a folder) labeled as dopusdata?

Like that:

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My bad, I had a mis-configured wildcard folder format that was always applied and took precedence over the content type format - so it seemed like it doesn't work. Issue is resolved.

Thanks. Also for clarifying /$DRIVENAME, that's clear now as well. :slight_smile:

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Where is that in the docs?

The docs don't literally say /$dopusdata, but /$Data. I assumed the /$ is the needed notation to use an alias in the wildcard path (so I tried /$dopusdata just to test it), which was a misunderstanding from my side. So all good, docs are correct :slight_smile: Thanks!

The manual page explains what /$Data is right after it uses it. :slight_smile:

/$xyz is an alias that will take you to a drive whose label is xyz. It's useful for removable devices that might not always get the same drive letter, and works automatically without having to define the alias and path it points to each time it changes.

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