Winace and Opus Directory

Well, I love nice programs, so I have bought also a Winace license a long time ago.
I have actually the last winace version installed and it seems that Opus and Winace don't like each other (j/k).

My 2 problems, the shell integration, and the extraction from winace to a lister.

1/ The shell integration:

Well, my problem is that I use cascaded context menu with Winace (or I used^^). But with cascaded context menu I have only the options to Add to... and Add to .ace.
I checked Windows explorer, and the cascaded menu is correctly displayed when I click an archive.
So I thinked and tried the options in Winace. And finally I succeeded to get all options in Opus. To get that, I had to unactivate the cascaded menu option of Winace.

2/ Extraction from Winace to a lister

Well, I explain, what I mean here, by an exemple.
I have an archive ACE. I open it, I have the Winace window displaying all the files in the archive. So here I select a file that I want to extract and drop it in the lister under my winace window. Nothing happens...
And normally the file I selected (and only this one) should be extracted to the lister. It works with Explorer, but not with Opus.

My questions:
Are point 1 and point 2 bugs of Opus?
Is there a solution for these 2 problems?

Question 2 works fine for me in Opus There was a fix in for drag & drop from 7Zip so maybe this also fixed the problem with WinACE?

Question 1 also seems fine for me, and I don't think anything changed here in I installed the latest WinACE (wace265i.exe) and set it to use Cascaded menus and the same items appear:

Ok after multiples tests:

1/ The shell integration is inversed (only in Opus)
If I desactivate the Winace shell integration I see the options to extract in the context menu of Opus, but I have not the add options
If I activate it, I see the add options but not the extract options
Off course this is only if I use the Cascaded menu option, and off course in Explorer it works perfectly
I tried to uninstall and reinstall but it has not worked. I will try to uninstall and remove the settings in Documents and settings (as I saw they were kept last time I uninstalled).
I have also tried to uninstall and reinstall Winace, without result :frowning:.

2/ It doesn't work for me... or it works at 50%...
Winace extracts the file to the temporary folder but not to the folder I want.
Off course it works perfectly and without a problem in Explorer.

Does Opus have a special way to handle files that is not linked to Explorer?
Cause from what I see, I would guess yes.
I really don't understand why I have that :frowning:

EDIT: tested the uninstall with deleting everything I could of the Opus config... it has not worked.
However, I have seen that the files parameters were yet here Opus started for the first time (the prog asked me to reconfigure it, but yet the files parameters were yet here :frowning:).
So I guess this is something saved in these settings that I have not succeeded to delete... maybe registry?

I just installed WinAce and from some quick tests it seems like the context menu options work fine in Opus (as they should - Opus doesn't know anything about WinAce after all, it just says "give me your context menu")

Can you post some screenshots to illustrate the problem?


first serie

The first is what I have under explorer
The second is under Opus
The third is the config I used in Winace.

Second serie... (sorry I used Phpbb a long time ago^^ this time I will put them in order :wink:)

First: The winace config
cascaded menu was unchecked before and after the integration was unchecked BUT, it acts random... difficult to explain, but few hours ago I had just unchecked the integration option and let the cascaded option and I add only the extract options of winace in Opus, this time it was not displayed, however when I unchecked the cascaded and integration the extract options were displayed in Opus as you can see in the picture 2
The picture 3 shows the menu under explorer.

The last one...

After 'playing' with Activate winace shell extension I have again "succeeded" to get the extract options cascaded when the shell integration was unactivated

So the picture below is what I get sometimes with everything "checked" before i uncheck the activate winace shell extension (and so with a page where all fields are blank)

Are we all using the same version of WinACE? (wace265i.exe was the installer I used.) Seems strange that it works for me and Jon.

must be something I have installed :confused:

Well, anyways, I can use Winace
for the prob 1, I use the uncascaded menus and for the prob 2 I have put a favorite link in DO to the temporary folder of Winace.

And to answer to your question, yes it is the 2.65. I have tried also all the past versions I had and I obtained strange results (no cascaded menu, but several buttons displayed when I never checked them).

Well, thank you for the answers. I know now, that it is something that happens on my computer. So it is maybe a program I have installed and that is conflicting WinAce and Opus or it is linked to the Winace install (I have upgraded it after installing Opus).
Anyways, as I said, I found ways to use Winace and Opus, even if it is not perfect. So, let's forget this prob :wink:.
The last thing I will try before giving up, is to track the changes done on the registry when I activate the cascaded menu (with regmon). And after that, if it doesn't work, I give up :slight_smile:

Edit: solved the prob 2
I activated the option "after extraction: "open target directory in wondows explorer"" and it solved the drag and drop prob

Question 1 also seems fine for me, and I don't think anything changed here in I installed the latest WinACE (wace265i.exe) and set it to use Cascaded menus and the same items appear:[/quote]

by the way, I had missed that...

the menu you opened is not the real problem
"Add to" function is perfectly integrated
It is only the "extract to" etc.. functions... and in the menu you displayed it is not here (off course cause you checked a folder)
You should try on a zip / ace / rar file.

I just tested Opus on an another computer with Winace on it also...

it was a fresh windows install...

And I obtain the same result...

Btw, as I said above... this is the "extract" options that are not displayed

So if you test it, check the EXTRACT options, not the add to options.
Test it on a zip rar or ace file with the option cascaded menu and check if you have the options to extract the file.