Window Key + E only opening explorer

Dopus 12 I never had an issue using WIN + E to open Dopus, but now it seems that with 13 I can not get it to work. Checking through all the settings it says it is set to open default lister instead of Explorer, and I would have assumed this would be Dopus, but to no avail. Does anyone know how to fix this?

Preferences / Launching Opus / From the Win + E hotkey is where it's configured.

Make sure Opus doesn't think it's running on a different version of Windows to what it really is:

Make sure Opus isn't running elevated:

It appears that it knows it is on Windows 10 and I tried again to make sure it wasn't under UAC and confirmed it was not. I have restarted my system several times to make sure all changes took affect. My Preferences / Launching Opus / From the Win + E hotkey is set to "Open the Default Lister." Which I would assume the Default Lister is Dopus.

Under Settings > Customize > Keys, check there isn't any Win + E hotkey. (Type "E" into the bottom-left search field to quickly filter the list.)

There might be a Win + Shift + E key, which is normal, but there shouldn't be a Win + E key there. If there is, it might interfere with the normal Win + E handling.

If that still doesn't solve it, which folder is opening in Explorer when it opens? That might be a clue about what's happening.

I went to go check the settings as you said and you were correct, there was not any Win + E hotkeys. There was a Win + Shift + E. I went to go do Win + E again to see what explorer folder it was opening and now it is suddenly opening Dopus. I have not touched my computer since my previous comment so I have no idea what changed. I will update this if disappears on me again. Thank you for your help, Leo! It is very much appreciated.

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