Windows 10 Jumplist

After upgrading to Windows 10 from 7, I noticed that the option `Favorites and Recent > Jump List' are not consistent with the actual jump list that you get from Windows itself. It this perhaps a Windows issue?

The jump list is unreliable if adding a lot of items. We can tell Windows a list of items to add, and it may then choose to throw half of them away if there are too many (or based on whatever whims Microsoft decide on). There is no way for us to detect which items were added and which were thrown away, or to know how many can be added (in general).

So if you have configured the jump list in a way that adds a lot of items, it is probably that.

Otherwise, if the jump list doesn't correspond at all to the selections in Preferences, try unpinning and re-pining the Opus taskbar icon.

Aargh. How annoying Windows can be. But yes, once I deactivated Smart Favorites (after I activated it globally) from the Jump List page in Options (I don't really need them here), because the Jump List activated items are relatively short, they all showed up the way I expected again. Thanks!